Prologue 1

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I flipped through channels with a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a book in hand. Not that I was actually doing all three at once since it was impossible. I just liked to read my book through the adverts.

Mum and Dad had gone to visit some people at a nearby town so here I was enjoying the house to myself when a dodgy knock sounded at the door. I peeped through the curtain to get a glimpse of the visitor but I only caught a hunched back person wearing what seemed to be similar to the one my brother had been wearing on his way out this morning.

I slowly opened the door and almost fell at the sight in front of me.

"Ismail!! What happened? Are you Okay?"

My brother winced in pain as he clutched at his bleeding stomach and staggered inside. "How? What did you do?"

"Im bleeding to death and your still by the door asking questions?" He didn't mean it to come out harsh but he softened it by chuckling.

"Quick sit down I'll get the first aid kit."I ran around frantically gathering everything and found Ismail sitting on the chair peaking glimpses under his shirt and wincing.

"Lift up your shirt."I ordered.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Its pretty bad."

"Ismail before you bleed to death just do as your told."

With a sigh he obeyed and all I could see was red, red and more red. I almost fainted at the sight of all that blood and soon the floor surrounding him was starting to make a red pool of blood.

I pressed a cloth to his stomach and he twisted slightly at the touch before relaxing again.

"Ismail you need to go the hospital."

"No I don't." He grit his teeth as he handled the pain.

"I'm going to call mum and dad." I rose to my feet about to reach out for the phone.

"NO!! No you can't tell them."

"Why not?"

"I don't want them to worry. Just clean me up and I'll handle the rest."

"Ismail..." I begin but my eyes widen when I removed the cloth to see what had actually happened. "That is a really big cut." He stays silent and as I look at it some more it dawns upon. "WERE YOU STABBED?" My eyes widen.

"Aw come on Sara. Dont make a big deal."


"No. It's really not..."

"We need to call the police." I panicked about bringing the phone only for it to be snatched out of my hands.

"NO. no Sara. We can't."

"Why not. Of course we can." I tried to snatch the phone back but he was quick in reading me.

"You just can't Okay. You call the police and it would get really messy, just trust me on this." He said with desperation.

I pulled out some disinfectant and looked to Ismail in apology. This would really hurt but then again its his fault for not going to the hospital.

He caught onto to what I was about to do and groaned as he pulled his shirt up all the way. "Do it fast." He closed his eyes and I quickly worked with the disinfect as he cried out cussing.

"Hold on brother and stop cussing. Astaghfirullah." I bring out a roll of bandage and wrap it around but no sooner than 10 seconds is the bandage soaked up in blood again. I start to panic because at this rate I would be out of the bandage.

"Ismail Please just go to the hospital. What if one of you organs are damaged. You need to see someone right now."

"I can't and I'm fine now. I don't think it went that deep. It will heal on its own. In Shaa Allah." He glanced down at the long cut. "When is mum and dad coming back?"

"In an hours time."


I remove the soaked bandage and start off with a new one.

"This is ridiculous."I throw the bandage to the floor not able to understand Ismail. "I need to call the Police and the Ambulance. Give me the phone." I extend my hand.

"No you won't."

"Give me."

"No." Ismail secured the phone under his arm

"Ismail." I warned.

"Sara." He says equally.

We fall into an silent eye competition daring the other to back off until Ismail winces and just like that I give in.

"What were you doing?" I ask knowing I probably won't get a response as usual. "Did you get into a knife fight?" Of course he did. It wouldn't be his first. Last month he had come with a bleeding leg and tried to nurse himself in his bedroom but when he couldn't he had obviously come to me for help. I just wished he would let me in. Why was he doing this to himself?

"Uh hello, bleeding to death here." Ismail breaks my thoughts and I snap out not able to figure him out. I wish he could just trust me.

I bandage him up and bring him a new shirt just as he tosses the bloody one away.


"Stop staring at me like that. I'm not dying you know."

"You know you can trust me right? If your in trouble or anything you can ask for help. I am your older sister after all."

"I know." He stood up with a struggle and headed for the door his body slightly stiff.

"Where you going?"

"I need to pray Zuhr."

"How are you going to pray in that state?"

"I have no idea." He shrugs casually as he leaves for the bathroom with the phone still tucked under his arm.

"Just so you know. We are not done speaking." I call out behind him. I had to find out for sure what was wrong because I don't think I can handle any more of his mysterious injuries.

There was a knock at the door and my eyes widen because I had yet not cleaned the blood off the floor. Mum and Dad had reached home earlier than planned which left me no time to clean it all up, but maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, maybe it was time for them to know what has been happening.

I round the corner and swing open the door ready to finally spill the news when someone rushes to me full force and I let out a scream just barely for Ismail to hear before my head hits the wall and I fall into darkness.

Assalamu Alaykum. I hope you are in the best of health In Shaa Allah. Carry on to read Prologue part 2. Enjoy!!

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