Chapter 11

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Our first morning of our honeymoon the sun burst through the thin layer of curtains which just happened to be opposite my bed. I glance to Zach and he was sleeping like a baby, still fast a sleep on his stomache. The sun had managed to crawl to his bed too but lucky for him he was sleeping with his hoodie over his head.

I shake my head and get ready to endure this day physically and mentally. With a quick shower I get changed in the bathroom since there is no private corners in our bedroom for to change in. I wrap the towel around my hair deciding I wasn't going to need to put my scarf on in front of Zach today. Even though he was my husband I still wasn't completely comfortable to show my hair to him.

I go back to the room and find Zach still asleep, his phone was ringing but he was too deep into sleep to realize.

The ringing continues as Zach remains in his dreamland. The rubbish ringtone he had was abusing my ear drums that I almost throw my pillow at him.

How is it that he could break his sleep so easily when I begin my nightmare or even just go to the bathroom for whudu, but for anything else he sleeps like a rock?

I shake my head at him as he stirs slightly after his phone rings for the third time and then slips back into a deep sleep.

I sign not bothering to wake him up and eventually his phone stops ringing as I tidy my bed.

I imagined what an actual wife would do if she saw her husbands phone ring three times in a row. I'm sure any normal wife would have got suspicious and went to discover if his caller was a female.

Instead I ordered some breakfast for myself and Zach and when a ladies voice called from the door I immediately went to open it and let her roll the trolley in with our breakfast, its smell was lavish already invading my nose making me even more hungry.

We hadn't ate anything last night although Zach had offered me a snicker bar. I had refused back then and then regretted it at Fajr time when my stomach had started to let me know that it was empty.

I thank the lady and she leaves the room and just as she leaves I pull everything out and the smell smacks me in the face full on torturing me and it seems it had hit Zachs senses too as he wakes up and his eyes zero immediately on the food.

"Food! Oh thank god. I'm starving." He yawns luxuriating in a satisfying full body stretch. After some moment of stretching he pushes himself up as I shove a breadstick into my mouth.

"What happened to Bismillah today?" Zach grins as he watches me eat. I scowl at him knowing he was right. I was so focused on feeding my empty stomach I had forgotton to begin with the name of Allah. I say Bismillah and Zach smiles as he walks to the bathroom. He had already learnt my pattern of what I do and what I say on a regular basis. In a way I had to thank him for reminding me but all I could think about was what else has he noticed about me.

I know it was his job to protect me and all so that is why he is constantly observing my actions but did he have to do that all the time? It was beginning to get uncomfortable.

Ugh why was I getting all self concious again?

Zach comes back and tells me to budge up since the trolley was stationed in front of my bed and I do as he tells me with a scowl to my face as his weight down on my mattress making me slightly inclining to him. I keep our distance at good lengths but Zach is clueless as he bites into a bread stick and then nods in approval as the taste settles in.

He gives me a thumbs up with his mouth full of food nodding as if I was the one to take credit.

I guess he was just as much hungry as I was.

We both eat like we have never ate before and fight over the last pancakes because Zach managed to eat more of the pancakes since his mouth can fit a truck in it and also because he eats faster than me.

"I'm done." Zach gulps down the last of his juice.

I raise one eye at him. "That's because you've finished everything. There's nothing left to eat." I point out to him. I'm positive if there was one more pancake on that plate he would have yammed it down within two seconds flat. I had finished eating a while ago because my appetite wasn't as big as Zachs and so I just sat there watching Zach eat like no tomorrow.

"True." He stands up and stretches and thankfully the right side of my mattress is released from his weight and I no longer have to keep myself from leaning to one side. "Lets go for a walk. I really need some fresh air and some exercise." He pauses by the window.

"No thanks. You can go by yourself. I'm staying in." I say clearing up the mess we had made. I tidy away the crumbs and stack the plates up in one pile pushing the trolley to one side of the room.

"You know I can't do that." Zach looks to me and I fix up the towel on my head making sure it was secure. "Im on duty 24/7, I can't leave you out of my sight."

"You know we're both going to go crazy if we have to see each other every second of the day right? And besides I have your number so if anything happens I'll call you immediately." I promise.

Besides I really needed some alone time all to myself. The last 2 week and a half Zach was always two steps behind me as if he was my tail. I needed him gone for a while so I can just relax a little. I had just realised also that we haven't argued in a while which was a good sign. Perhaps if he goes out for a while we can break our last record on how long we can remain without arguing.

Zach begins to pace the room for some reason and then stops by the balcony and pushs open the door. "Okay. I'm going to be close by. I'll be right out there so you can see me and I can see you." He points out to the green field where some kids were playing. There were people walking around for morning walks in partners and some were laying down taking in the brilliant sun that was showering its brilliant rays across the fields and more as far as my eye could see.

"Great." I force a smile hoping he was leaving right this second and just as I wanted he was pulling on his shoes and heading for the door like I had wanted.

Or was he just as eager as me to get away for a while too?

"And Remember, don't open the door for no one. No One. You hear me?" He pauses leaning agaisnt the doorframe just as he was leaving.

"Yes. Obviously. Now go." I usher him out the door and then lock it immediately.

Not a second later someone is knocking already.

"Who is it?" I call slightly gulping.

"It's me." Zach says lazily. I open the door and find him still standing there. "Before you not so discreetly try to get rid of me, at least let me take my phone."

"Oh. Sure." I grab his phone from his side table as his phone vibrates in my hand the minute I pick it up and then I hand it over to him. "Anything else?" I tap my fingers on the door impatiently.

"No." He rolls his eyes in annoyance and spins on his heels walking away. I shut the door slowly this time and wonder why he just acted like that. Why was he all of a sudden annoyed?

I look to my book perched on my side of my table and shrug.

Finally some time alone. Maybe I should order a packet of MnM's while I read hmmm..or maybe not since I didn't want to have to open the door while Zach was gone.

I begin to pick up from where I had left off in my book but soon I find myself eyeing the phone and a picture of MnM's comes to my mind. Oh what the heck let me just order it! What could possibly go wrong?

I pick the phone this time remembering to say Bismillah.

AssalamuAlaykum. I hope that each and everyone of you is in the best of health In Shaa Allah and I hope you are enjoying reading 'Healing'.

Sorry about his chapter I know not much happens and its quite short too but not to worry. I shall post next chapter up very soon In Shaa Allah.

Stay tuned.


Peace ❤

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