Chapter 2

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"Just because your tall and look strong doesn't mean I'm scared of you." I narrow my eyes at him.

"That's because you haven't seen what I can do." He responds cockily.

"Just so you know. I didn't agree to this."

"I'm not exactly flattered to be here with you either." He says in annoyance taking a quick scan of the room. I glare at his arrogance.

"Then why are you here?" I demand responding in annoyance.

"Because I have to be."

"You could have said no?"

"So could've you?" He throws right back.

We glare again for a bit but Zach walks across and collapses on the bed.

My bed.

"Oh no you're not...You're not sleeping there." I rush to the bed protecting it from him.

"Why not?" He picks himself up on his elbow with a frown.

"Because I'm sleeping here."

"But we are husband and wife." He reminds me as if I had forgotten.


"So we can share a bed."

"I don't think so." I immediately say.

"Oh I think so." He nods his head completely ignoring me as he rests his head back making himself comfortable staring up at the ceiling.

"I don't want to sleep next to you." I grit my teeth.

"Well if you really feel that strongly about not wanting to sleep next to me then take the couch." He jerks his chin towards it.

"Why do I have to take the couch?"

"Because you're the one who has a problem and besides I'm too big for the couch." He grins snuggling into a comfier position.

"Well tough. You are going to have to fit on it somehow because I'm not letting you sleep in the same bed as me." I finalize and he stops and stares at me a brief moment.

"Well unless you can move me there I'm not going anywhere." He finalizes too which makes me so mad that I clutch at the cushion so hard as if radiating off my anger.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"I'm the annoying one?" He scoffs in disbelief.

"You should respect your wife's decision."

"And you shouldn't stay away from your husbands bed." He grins. I roll my eyes.

I glare at him.

"Great you don't know anything about Islam except that part." And he winks in my direction and I have to control myself from not bringing the cushion flying towards his face.

Instead I take my pillow and grab a blanket laying on the couch. If he wasn't going to move then I was.

He didn't seem to mind at all by my decision as he just shrugged and made himself comfortable by taking up the whole bed.

It was my house and my room and here I am forced with no choice but to sleep on the couch.

After what felt like forever I still hadn't fallen asleep. It was just too strange knowing someone else was in the room with me. The couch was comfy but it just wasn't a bed and just as I turned over for the millionth time Zachariah was standing by me and I shot up with a bolt clutching my blanket as safety.

"Whoa Chill. I wasn't going to do anything." He held his arms up in surrender. Even through the darkness I could make out his figure by the little light coming through the window.

"Then why are you standing here?"

He looked to me and then to the ruffled sheets on the bed and hung his head down with a sigh as if talking himself through in his head.

"You can have the bed." He says almost a whisper.

"What did you just say?" I heard him but I just wanted to hear it again in case I heard it wrong.

"You can have the bed." He said as if it was a pain to repeat it. I raised an eyebrow.

"And you?"

"I'll take the couch." He didn't look to meet my eye and looked everywhere but at me.

"Okay." I say quietly as I leave to my bed.

I watch the couch being swallowed up by his big frame and watch him try to snuggle and make himself comfy even though both his legs were out in the open. Uncovered.

Soon after, I heard gentle snoring and within seconds I had dozed off too.



My senses became fully alert at the sound of Sara crying. I whipped the cover off me and was immediately by her side.

"Sara?" I called her but she seemed to be having a really bad nightmare. "Yo. Sara?" I called louder but she still didn't wake up and now her cries turned to screams.

What was I meant to do? If I touched her she would freak out and cut my throat when she came back to her senses.

"Sara?" I tried again but it was no use because she was screaming and fighting with the duvet. I bent down and stared for a while noticing her sweating slightly before deciding on the next thing. Reaching both hands out I vigorously shaking her awake.

Her eyes flew open instantly and just when I came into her sight she flew to the other side of her bed.

"What you doing?" She looked at me with accusing eyes and a terrified expression on her face.

"You were having a bad dream. I came to wake you up." I eye her slightly concerned. It must have been a pretty bad dream. I take a step back if it would even help her to relax slightly.

"Thank you." Is all she says as she remains to stay as far as she could get from me.

"That bad?" I ask and she looks at me questioningly a confused expression on her face. "Your nightmare. Is it that bad?" I explain.

Sara nods while trying to get her breathing back to normal. "Yeah."

I don't move and just stand there by her side not knowing what else to do.

"Maybe you should just move to one of the other rooms?" Sara suggests.

"Oh no. That's not necessary." I tell her knowing what her exact intentions were.

Although it sounded like she was genuinely concerned about me I knew for a fact she was only just trying to get rid of me.

After a while when I feel she is back to her normal self I nod and retreat back to my couch hoping to get straight back to sleep.

"Oh and Zachariah?"

I turned at the sound of her soft voice.


"Please could you not touch me next time."

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