Chapter 25

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I leave Sara's dads office after briefing him on his daughters progress.

It had been just over a month since my marriage to Sara making slow progress, and Saras dad seemed happier than usual. I take it the stress with his company had been sorted out since he was non stop working and coming home late meetings after meetings. Now he had set some time free for a update on me and Sara.

When the topic of the self defence lessons come up he was more than eager to hear from me.

"And how are those lessons coming along?" He had curiously asked.

"She tried to hit me." I shrug after recalling the lame punch as if it was an accomplishment. Mind you in Sara's case it was one hell of an accomplishment. She had willingly made skin contact once again.

"I see. Still not very fond of you?"

"Not very." I admit with a slight twist of face.

"Well thank you for your efforts. Allah will reward you immensely. In Shaa Allah." He sounded genuine as if he was really grateful for my assistance.

"How about the Salahs?"

"You mean the prayers? I've never seen her miss a single one. " I proudly announce. If there was one thing that was important to Sara it was her prayers she had never missed a single one as far as I knew.

"I meant you. How are your Salahs going? I know my daughter won't miss her prayers." He voices his deep trust that he had with his daughter. His eyes bore into me and then I realize I had not missed a single prayer this whole month because I had prayed whenever Sara prayed.

Well...besides the day I had taken off I had prayed them all.

"Yes sir-I mean yes err...I have." I quickly correct not been able to get the word dad out my mouth. He didn't seem to be fazed much and I was glad as he dismissed me for the day.

I pass by the kitchen greeting Nancy as she had been running a whirlwind in the kitchen pulling out different ingredients and expertly multitasking from one place to another.

Little Amy was sat perched on the stool and before I could even get a word past my lip she had jumped off and dissappeared into the garden like the last time, with a slight limp.

I don't disturb Nancy and drag my feet reluctantly upto to my room where I spent most of my time with little to nothing to do.

As I walk in I hear Sara muttering something as she searches on tip toes for something on the top shelf. I shut the door silently and hear her mutter somthing incoherent again.

"Ya Allah please don't let me have to ask him. I would die of embarrassment." She pleads to the sky covering her face, already embarrassed by the thought of it.

"Ask me what?" I announce my presence.

She seemed to jump in surprise at my voice and then calmed down but not fully.

"N...nothing." She says with new enforced energy as she kneels down and pulls a box from under the bed rumaging through it once and then double checking twice.

She pushes the box with force and sighs a frustrated sigh sitting in defeat. Whatever it was, it wasn't in the box.

"What are you looking for?" I ask hoping to help.

"Nothing." She dismisses not being able to meet my eyes.

"Whatever it is I can run across and get it for you." I offer.

She snaps the lid of the box close and pushes it back under the bed. "No. It's...its nothing." She finally says after giving it a seconds thought.

Wow she really was really in a dilemma.

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