Chapter 18

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I was now well known to the people by the gates that all I needed was a nod of the head to get into my temporary home.

I had reluctantly left Amirs apartment and made my way back to Sara taking the steps two at a time out of habit. I could only imagine the dreaded look on her face when she sees I'm back as I head up the stairs. She must have celebrated in some sort of way when she realised I wasn't coming for the night. But you know what? I don't care. It's not like It bothered me because the truth was I was thankful to have one night off too. I had made sure to make the most of it before the short few hours would end.

I slowly opened the door without thinking to knock.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting but definitely not what I saw when I entered.

Sara was sleeping like a baby with her arms out and besides her on the floor was her dad. They were both holding hands and sleeping so peacefully.

Careful not to make a sound I slowly back out letting them to sleep. Had something happened last night? And then I remember and almost slap my head when it dawns upon me of Sara's nightmares.

They must have happened last night again. Her nightmares were intense and strong every night for the past few weeks I had been with her. It kind of made me curious as to what could she possibly see that would shaken her up that much. I almost wanted to take on her nightmares for her. I know I would handle it better.

I find myself in front of the kitchen and step in following the sound of someone humming and found the maid cooking away prancing about on her tip toes.

I had always known they had a maid but I had never actually seen the maid before. She was just a regular young looking women with foreign looks quite possibly in her forties with red hair tied back into a pony tail.

I walk in with a smile and take a seat at the island. The maid, or rather the cook smiles when she sees me in response saying nothing.

"I believe we haven't met." I say hoping she understood English.

"You must be the new 'husband'" She says with a hint of foreign accent. I cringe at the word husband.

"Yeah that's me. The bodyguard." I say like I am correcting her. "I'm Zach by the way."

"Nice to meet you Zach. I am Nancy." She takes the lid off the pan and hot steam rushes up towards the ceiling and into the ceiling fan.

"What's for lunch?" I ask because I really had nothing better to do. Nancy seemed to just give me sideward glances here and there as if she was being very careful at the same time keeping an eye on everything going on at once in the kitchen.

"Erm.. For lunch I just made something simple. Pasta and salad." She says taking the salt and expertly shaking it in small amounts. I watch a little dazed as she throws different things into the pan and stirs it all up, her little figure almost a blur as she expertly moved around in the kitchen with no time for chit chat.

"Well I guess I'll just leave you to it then." I say with a wave. When I turn my head to the direction of the garden I see a little girl standing by the door. She must have been playing outside because her hair was pushed back from all the running around.

I wave my hand at her but she quickly disappears back into the garden.

"That's my grand daughter." Nancy explains as she begins cutting some tomatoes. "Amy. She is very shy." Nancy laughs. I look past the kitchen windows and catch sight of Amy running in and out of my vision through the sliding glass doors. There was just something odd with the way Amy walked. I wanted to ask Nancy about her grand daughter but then Sara's dad walked in greeting us both in the Islamic greeting. I was surprised to hear Nancy reply back in Arabic that I forgot to reply myself.

"How are things going with your friend? Is he back in good shape?" It took me a while to realise he was speaking to me and not Nancy.

"Yes Amir is back on good form, in fact he is already working again. He is leaving tonight for an examination today." I tell him.

"Alhamdulillah. That is good to hear. I really can't thank him enough for taking that bullet for my daughter."

I nod in response unsure of what to say. "Believe me sir he would have been in worse shape if he hadn't." I say in all honesty. Amir was more happy that he had taken the bullet and survived more than anything.

I watch as his forehead creases. "I thought we were passed that stage?"

"What stage sir?" I ask.

"The stage where you call me sir. I am no longer a sir to you Zachariah. After all we are family now."


A few weeks ago I had no family. Amir was the closest thing to me that I had. but now...I have family?

I had never thought of it in that way I before.

I smile liking the idea very much.

Family. I've always dreamt of having a family when I was just a kid but now my goals and determination on what I wanted had changed drastically over the years.

I no longer wanted to be the ice cream man that drove around the city selling different flavours of ice creams. I no longer wanted to be a zookeeper that was in charge of ferocious lions. No longer the kid who wanted to be a school teacher.

Now my decisions had taken a different course. I was working with the police and being assigned with all kinds of ruthless jobs. I was mostly sent as an undercover agent because of my youth and success rate but to just think back to my first ever dream of wanting to have a family brought back some long lost emotions that I had forgotten about.

"Nancy thank you for your remarkable talent. We really do enjoy your wonderful dishes. I will just go out to meet with Amy if that is okay with you?"

"Thank you sir. Of course my pleasure. Amy is right outside." Her eyes sparkle with respect as she smiles a genuine smile.

Saras dad walked passed me towards the garden but not before turning to me one last time.



"Sara is awake now perhaps you would like to see her." He says before exiting the kitchen through the back door.

AssalamuAlaykum. I hope that each and everyone of you is in the best of health and Imaan In Shaa Allah.

Next chapter is up Alhamdulillah. I almost forgot to update today so there might be a few errors here and there because I roughly skimmed through it to edit.

Please Vote guys and take care x

Peace ❤

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