Chapter 1

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"No." I say loud and clear as soon as the word bodyguard leaves my fathers mouth. Father looked up with concern taped all over his face. He looked as if he aged a few years in the past month.

"Sara. I understand where you are coming from I really do. But you have to think rationally here. You need to be watched 24/7 and what other choice do we have other than to sign you with a full time working body guard."

"I will be safe here dad. I have you." I walk around to hug my dad and he takes the moment to relish our sweet embrace. I know he was feeling relieved just as much as I was.

"I know darling but I won't always be around, you know that. And I don't want you to stop living your life just because we want to keep you safe."

"I don't mind. I honestly don't. I can't handle being around people anyways. Not anymore."

"That's not healthy. I am still going to get you a bodyguard."

"I can't keep a bodyguard dad. How can he protect me if he can't even touch me?" I point out, not that I was ever going to accept to keeping a bodyguard. Their was just no way in Islam for a Muslim girl to touch any non mahram. It was out of the folds of Islam and I wouldn't let that happen.

Fathers eyes light up. "That's where I had a brilliant plan.."




"Please Zach. It has to be you."

"Why me?" I exclaim.

" are our only muslim." John lays it out.

"So? Amir is a muslim too."

"But Amir is not fit for a job yet. His wound is still healing as you already know."


"Look you either take this job or you're going back to desk work. Your choice." John threatens. I throw my head back in defeat. I can't believe this!

"Why do I have to get the babysitting job? I need some action. Fighting. I want to take on a gang." I explode with my idea of missions punching my fists in the air.

"Look they just sent a description and you are what fits the exact description. So you want it or not?" John looks to me his face placid.

I let out a sigh showing I was not happy about this. "Like I even have a choice." I spat bitterly. There was no way I was going back to desk work.

"Why do they want a Muslim bodyguard anyway? I'm not even practicing." I ask out of curiosity.

"Because they need a Muslim for their girl."

I frown.

"That's not even a reasonable answer. Why a Muslim?"

Finally John sighs and takes deep breath holding onto something he would rather not be the one to tell.

"Is there something I don't know?" My frown deepens.

"Just don't freak out on me okay? It's not my idea."


"They need a Muslim bodyguard because that way you can protect her better than anybody else if..." John pauses to look at me. "You become her husband."

I choke.


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