Chapter 24

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Sara's father had gone out for some work once again which meant I had to walk on shells again. With her father gone who knew what she was capable of.

She had been sat for around a whole hour reading some stupid novel.

I had no life anymore. I had asked that we go out to the park like other normal couples but she barely raised her head at my suggestion.

Sara had told me to go to the room where the AC was because I was sweating so much my top had sweat stains. I would take it off but I knew Sara would feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to speak to her so I don't turn insane from sitting with nothing but my own thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts could be dangerous.

I turn to Sara and she looks calm and composed regardless of the temperature still engrossed in her reading.

I had mentioned a few times if she would come to the room but every time she would just shush me with a glare. She even made me a little fan by folding up a piece of paper.

"This is the first thing you gave me. You know that?" I say turning the little piece of paper over in my hand attempting at a conversation.

She doesn't reply because shes already reading again.

"I'll treasure it and pretend its a gift." I say feeling like I was rather talking to the water, not bothering to use it as it didn't do much anyway.

Twisting to find the closest book I shoved the little fan inside and the silence resumed with me fidgeting and Sara reading.

Eventually from all the waiting around I decide to take a dip in the pool but the atmosphere was just too quiet to splash about.



"Come and join me."

"I'm reading." Her voice came out as a warning.

"Read later." I swim closer to her so I can see her face better.

"Swim by yourself." She says without glancing up. Wow. She was really into her books.

I splash about trying to get her attention.

"Stop disturbing me." She looks up and glowers.

I take one look at her and know she was that stubborn. There was no way I could get her to take a swim with me.

"Fine." I say out loud. "I'll swim by myself." I huff. "Just keep swimming...swimming swimming swimming.." I sang the horrible annoying song.

I was aware that I was way out of tune and I hardly sang songs but the boredom was really getting to me. And although this mission wasn't hard at all I just felt like quitting every day. Sara made sure of it to make my stay as hard as possible.

I turn dramatically just for the fun of it when Sara shrieks.

"What?" I swivel around to find her standing with a killer glare.

"You splashed water all over me." She fumes.

"Its just a little water." I didn't see the big problem until she pulls out her book showing me the wet page.


Did I feel apologetic?


Should I apologize?

Do I even have a choice?

But instead I couldn't get it out my mouth from all the glaring she was directing towards me.

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