Chapter 36

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**WARNING: The following chapter contains the use of strong language and violence**


"Sara?" Relief flashes before his eyes as he approaches in long strides. The sauce in his hands.

I was currently calming my heart still in a state of shock. I was approached by a stranger and didn't start shaking or screaming. Luckily the tornado that had wrecked havoc inside me was unseen by all as I had managed to contain it, just barely. That had got to be an achievement. But at least I was able to conceal the reality of my mind from taking over on my limbs.

"Bloody hell I was going crazy-" He began but one look at me and he stopped. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" He immediately looked left and right transforming into protective gear but there was no one around any more.

My hands shook slightly but that was all.

"Can we get out of here?" I say as quietly as I could.

His eyebrows furrow at my suggestion. I was feeling somewhat out of place and uncomfortable and scared in case we bumped into each other again-the stranger I mean.

"Why?" He questions.

"I...something...well...Someone just approached me." I say fidgeting with the zip on my hand bag.

His eyes flicker to my hands before looking back to my face.

"That's okay. No one will hurt you here."

"No I mean someone-a man-he approached me for marriage." I whisper.

Zach stares at me. His expression was confusing and hard to read. Finally he blinks and I wait for his response. Hopefully he understands I want to go now.

"Oh." Is all he says. I feel insecure under his intense gaze and cower a little.

"Can we please just leave?" I say again wanting to get as far away from here as possible.

"Sure we're done now." He says taking the lead with the trolley. We quickly pay for everything and Zach true to his words carries all the bags as if it was candyfloss he was carrying. The air was still a little chilly but not as cold as the walk to the groceries.

"You know.." Zach says as we begin the walk home. " When we get home we are throwing that green scarf away."


We get closer to our street and I feel relieved wanting to rush to safety. Zach talks about an incident of his childhood and I just listen not responding or sharing information as usual. I was too busy noticing everyone that we past by and memorizing their faces as was Zach who done it effortlessly from habit.

We pass a few men and my nerves tingle when they stop talking and follow me with their eyes. I hold eye contact with the man with grey eyes for a few seconds as he stares me down, the intensity of his gaze holds me from looking away. A shiver runs down my spine out of the wierdness of the whole situation and I try to shake off the feeling. I grip my bag tight and shuffle closer to Zach and notice his back and arms stiffen and then only do I notice that Zach and I had company.

Foot steps from behind close in on us and Zach turns around unexpectedly taking them by surprise.

There was three of them. In faded jeans and baggy shirts. They each looked like they were high. Their eyes red and the stench of alcohol could be smelt on them from a mile away. But they were not completely drunk. And that put me on edge. Three against one.

Why did I get the feeling that these three had no good intention?

The one who had stared me down stepped forward his smile slipped into a sneer as he looked right at me.

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