Chapter 4

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"What is wrong with you?" I scream surfacing up from the water vigorously wiping away water entering my eye.

Zach had been following my tail ever since the morning. I was in my house for crying out loud, there wasn't any danger to protect me from. I had tried to slip away a couple of times but he always found me so easily. Even when I just wanted to sit by the pool side and just enjoy some time to myself he had sneaked in behind me. I know there was nothing left for him to do in the house and he was really bored but why follow me?

Oh that's right, So he can push me into the pool and have a good laugh.

My scarf was floating behind me and Zach was enjoying the scene too much until his eyes widened.

"Ooops." He says.

"Oops? Oops? Your saying Oooops?" I shriek not believing the nerve of this man.

" I mean Oops as in 'Your clothes has gone see through'"

I look down and my eyes widen as I let out a scream. "Turn around." I order.

"Aw come on. I'm your husband." He reminded me.

"No your not. What husband pushes his wife into the water?" I scream.

"This husband does." He say with a laugh, unashamed of his own action.


"Okay. Okay. Calm down. I'm not even trying to look." He closes his eyes and turns around and I quickly pick myself up and look down at my soaked body. My cream dress was so see through that you could see the blue vest underneath.

I look around for a towel but it seemed that they had been put away.

"Now take off you jacket." I order.

"What?" He almost turned around again.

"Take it off!" I scream.

"Fine." He sighs throwing it behind. "I can't believe how much your overreacting."

"Oh just be quiet will you?" I pull on his jacket making sure my upper body is fully covered. "Okay you can turn back around now." I tell him.

"Seriously?" He says in irritation as he takes in my ridiculous look with the oversized jacket.

"Take me back to my room." I order. He huffs before taking two steps and pausing.

"You do realise your trousers are see through too right?" He informs and I kick him on his legs but of course miss since he is quick to dodge as he laughs off in the direction of my room as I glare behind the whole way.



The sound of muffled cry woke me up and I jumped up on instinct ready to take down just about anyone until I realised Sara was just having another bad dream.

With a sigh I walked up to her and crouched besides her.

"Sara." I say softly her warning ringing in my ears as I reached a hand out but stopped myself before I actually touched her. "Sara." and she starts whimpering and starts twisting and turning as if trying to escape someone's hold. Her cries turn to shouts and then before I know it she is screaming.

"No...No..uh no.." She screams. I nudge her but she still doesn't wake up so I taking it as a necessity grip her shoulders and shake her out of it.

Her eyes fly open and once again she jumps to the other side. I wince at her distrustful expression and hold up my hand to tell her I mean no harm.

"I'm sorry I know I promised but this was necessary." She nods understanding and eyes me wearily. I walk back to my couch and slump back down. The only sound is Sara's heavy breathing.

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