Chapter 28

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I step out the car first as soon as he parks and walk straight for the doors picking up a basket on the way not bothering to wait for Zach. When I turn around I'm surprised to find him right behind me as I had practically ran off.

"Want me to hold the basket?" He offers a hand.

"No." I snap and whirl around away from him. I thought I had made myself clear that he was not to speak to me or even to look at me. What did he not understand?

I go for the sweet section and dump a whole load of chocolates into the basket and then briskly walk away to get some things we had ran out of. Zach, of course lingered close behind not saying a word.

There was no way he would leave me to do the shopping on my own and the other annoying thing was that I was too afraid on my own.

With a sigh I walk into the feminine section and glance to see if Zach was still there. He looks up to meet my eyes and I give him a good long glare before I pick up what I need and head towards the counter.

His face shows no expression-like it should, and I am glad since my face has, against my own will, turned a shade red.

The lady at the counter wad friendly as she tried to make friendly conversation but all I could do is smile not knowing how to keep a conversation in the first place.

First of all I was no in the mood and second, she could have scanned our items way quicker than she was currently going.

I pack my things into bag and realize much too late that Zach has already handed his card in and paid for all the things. I wanted to refuse but that required me talking to him which I know would turn into an argument and catch everyones attention in the store so as quickly as I can I walk away as Zach waves a goodbye to the lady finishing up a conversation he had managed so perfectly well to keep.

I didn't miss the way the lady blushed or the way she tucked her hair behind her ears smiling.

Ugh Disgusting. I internally gag.


We get into the car and I don't tell Sara that I am not driving home just yet. I had made some plans with meeting someone as it was the perfect opportunity and I didn't want to miss it. I will most probably regret it later since I know Sara is already uncomfortable with being out in the open but as for now I really didn't care. Hopefully this way she might ask about my intentions when she realizes we were not heading home. At least that way I wasn't starting the conversation.

And it works!

I'm genius.

"Why are you stopping here?"

She had grumpily folded her arms and sat in that position the whole ride and still remained in the same position as she questioned me with narrowed eyes.

"To get ice-cream."

"I don't want ice-cream." Was her immediate response. I turn into the free parking space and pull the handbrake up.

"I do."

I get out the car my eyes and body alert as I scan the busy roads and find Sara still sat in that same position. "You coming?" I ask knowing she was too afraid to be on her own.

She huffs as she exits the car and follows me inside.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited a friend."

She scoffs and folds her arms.

"Let me guess. Amir?"

"Okay you have got to stop thinking that Amir is my only friend. I have friends other than Amir.

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