Chapter 14

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I had carefully picked this hotel for this specific reason. My entire journey through the airport to Spain was spent on thinking of the best ways to get my job done easily. The hotel layout was important for my mission.

I had thought I had everything planned out from top to bottom except the one tiny detail I had failed to realize, or rather remember.

Sara was on the verge of collapsing but I held onto her tight. She was just going to have to keep it together for just a bit longer.

I shake the back pack off and toss it over the wall just barely able to hear the soft thud of it reaching the other side and then turn to Sara.

"Your going to have to trust me on this." Sara nods her head and looks down to my hand I have placed in front of her.

"I'm going to boost you up onto the wall." I explain and for once Sara was listening to every word of mine without hesitation.

She places one foot and attempts to get a hold of the top of the wall but her hands miss.

"It's fine. Go again." I tell her glancing to the door in case they had realized our whereabouts which was highly unlikely since I'm sure they hadn't seen which turns we had turned. This was a huge hotel and according to my estimation if they were clever enough it would be only a minimum of 5 minutes before they found us.

Sara attempts again but her hands slip off again. She tries again and finally on her third attempt she gets lucky. With all her remaining strength she hauls herself up and I help from underneath using my strength to push her up minimizing her efforts.

"Hold up. I'm coming." I tell her moving away from the wall then taking a running leap. I had done this many times in my training. The wall was only barely 3 meters high which was a piece of cake.

I glance back once more at the door and was safe to say we were actually safe now. All we had to do was jump off.

"I'm sorry." I touch her shoulder and find she was slightly shaking unable to look down. "I know your afraid of heights but trust me on this I won't let you fall. I'll go first and catch you. Okay?" Sara nods taking a deep breath. I jump down first landing next to my back pack with a forward roll.

"Okay. Now jump." I call out holding my hands out. Even if I did catch her she was still bound to get hurt. I wasn't exactly a soft cushion but if she jumped right and I caught her properly then maybe she had no worry of being hurt.

To be honest this was my first time doing this. I had never had to catch people falling off walls, this side of the wall was much higher due to the ground being lower. It was a 12 ft drop and even I had grazed my hands on the stones on the ground when I had landed.

"Sara Now!" I yell but when I looked at her properly she was having a melt down. Her expression was twisted and I feared they would be bursting through those doors any second now. "Sara Come on!" I say in desperation.

This wasn't good. I should've thought this through properly. I curse myself swearing under my breath.

"Sara Jump now!" I could see her whole body shaking as she edged a little closer to the edge. Her arms were set ready in front of her and all she had to do was let herself drop but in the last second she backs out and shuffles away shaking her head. I could have jumped back over the wall if it wasn't for the fact the wall was 12 ft from this side.

Damn it.

"Sara. I. Will. Catch. You. I promise I won't let you fall." I promise knowing the only way to do that was for me to take her whole impact when she fell. I pick up the back pack and strap it on behind me so it would lighten my fall.

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