Prologue 2

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At the sound of tires screeching I looked up from the floor and made my way out the car.

I wasn't really proud of what I was doing but It had to be done and there was no going back now.

John had come to explain to me what exactly needed to be done and I had accepted the situation regardless of it being way out of my comfort zone.

"Are you ready bro?" Amir's voice came from behind followed by a slap to my back.

I nod since I don't think I would ever be ready for something as crazy as this and this is as ready as I could be. I had tried talking myself out of this but would come to dead ends since it was a little too late by now.

The watch on my wrist indicated how little time we had so we rush in and take the seats at the back with a good view of the front.

Four large men hovered at the front in hushed discussion. Amir gave me a reassured look that everything was going to go smooth but deep down I knew he was just being my friend.

"Look bro. I really respect you and all for what you are doing but you look like someone is stepping on your toe."

Amir meant well but the emotions playing on my face were hard to conceal and soon the room was engaged with talk and laughter.

"They should have been here by now." I check my watch for the one millionth time discretely searching the room with only my eyes.

"Its a test thing. They are here somewhere just keeping and eye on us. They will eventually approach us when they think the time is right." Amir keeps a cool and collected expression whereas I was starting to sweat from the added pressure that I was at.

There were over 100 people in the room and none of them looked remotely suspicious. They were good I'd give them that. Even a trained agent like me was set on my toes.

3 agonising hours passed by and yet the party was still in full swing. Amir was beginning to doze off and every 5 minutes I had to elbow him in case he fell asleep on our mission.

"Hey Yo!! Amir?" I snapped my finger in his face. He sat up abruptly ready to pounce.


"Im going toilet. Take this." I throw the briefcase into his arms and he clutches it tight.

I notice some people beginning to walk out and feel a inner relief that it was finally ending at the same time anxious that something else was about to start.

I was very aware that my every move was being calculated as I walk to the bathroom and return.

"Yo. Guess what I just saw?" Amir steps up to me before I reach back to our seats.

"What? Did you see them?"

"I think they are here." Amir whispers keeping a straight face like they weren't discussing such an important matter. "The curly haired guy over there just got a paper shoved slyly in his hand." Amir jerks his head at the direction.

"So they are here then." I state.

"You ready?"

"Yeah let's do it." I breathe a shaky breath.


The room was now empty and the party had died out moments ago. Not a single person remained except I and Amir of course. We had strict orders to stay. This is where the girl was to come in and if we played our part right we would become hero's not to mention climb the ladder to a higher level of respect. I was tired of everyone doubting my abilities. I could be well serious when I want to be.

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