Chapter 9

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I glanced to Sara and found her just staring out her side of the window. She was scared and somewhat angry. She could be mad at her dad for planning this whole honeymoon trip or she could be mad at me for coming into this whole equation either way no matter who is at fault here, it is always me the one who she always is directing her anger towards.

I didn't bother saying much incase she burst into tears. In my few days of studying background information for my mission I had been given a book about how to treat your wife. To be honest I read a couple of pages and got bored. Back then I had thought how hard could it to be a good husband? Bleh. Thats the easy part. But man was I wrong.

To be honest I have no clue how to handle the situation right now.

Should I ask her if she is okay? Would that be something sweet of me to do or would she just feel like killing me for talking to her?

But if I don't say anything she might have too much time to think too deeply about this and make the whole situation worse inside her head.

I tap my hands on the steering wheel all the while thinking a load of rubbish. Maybe I was just the one thinking too deeply about this whole thing.

When the silence got too heavy I reach out and turn the radio on hoping it eases the awkward fog in the air. But then not even a second later Sara switches it off. She wouldn't even face my direction as she goes back to staring blankly at the trees and fields passing by in a blur.

I wait a minute before putting the radio back on. It was my car so I should have the right to listen to some radio if I wanted.

Again Sara reaches out to turn it off but I get there first and stop her.

She gives me a death glare but I pretend not to notice.

"What's your problem?" I tell her.

Shes acting like a zombie and ignoring me, but won't let me listen to some radio?!

"Let go of my hand!" She grits her teeth and when I notice my hand still gripping hers. I let go.

"Leave the radio on then."

"I don't want to hear music." She simply says folding her arms to keep them as far from me as possible.

"Okay." I nod. "You don't want to listen to music? You could have just told me."

Sheesh.Why does she just have to make everything so difficult?

I leave the radio off and keep my focus back on the road we were almost there so I didn't care that I couldn't listen to any music.

It was pretty clear she didn't want to be with me which was fine because the feeling was mutual. I didn't want to be here either but what choice did I have? I would rather be fighting gangsters in a dark alleyway and be stabbed in the arm 10 times rather than be here babysitting a zombie.

But I have to keep reminding myself that Sara wasn't like this all her life, she just had a really bad experience that made her that way.

Easier said than done.

I finally pull up at a side road and bring our stuff out from the boot all the while keeping a note of everyone I see. When I turn around I expect Sara to be out already but she isn't and when I walk around I find her still sitting in her seat. She seems really lost and close to tears.

I knock on her window motioning for her to get out and after a moment she gets herself together and slowly crawls out.

"You okay? You look like you just seen a ghost." I closely study her and notice her skin is a bit pale.

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