Chapter 32

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The bell rings early in the morning and I skip down to find that Dad had already left.

Dad would never ring the door bell and Zach was upstairs having a shower. A quick glance out the window told me the guards were still stationed outside like always which put me at ease a little, but it was still strange as I neared the door my hand on heart.

Goosebumps formed in my back.

Who could it be?

There was security outside so no one could get past without my fathers or Zach's consent. If it was a really a troublemaker then it was a dumb move to even come here.

I look through the peephole to get a good look and it seemed to look like a girl.

Baby pink hijab.

She rang the door bell a second time and this time I got a small glimpse of her eyes, eyes I recognised. Eyes I had not seen in a long time. They were as always lined with kohl.

But why was she here?

Reluctantly I open the door and as I had guessed correctly Rumena was stood with a basket held high and a tight smile displayed across her face.

"Assalamu Alaykum." Rumena smiles her eyes lighting up like two light bulbs.

I was slightly taken aback that it took me longer than it needed to reply back.

"Wa Alaykum Assalam."

"How are you?" Rumena gushes forth.

"I'm well thank you. Come in." I shook my head feeling a little dazed. She was loud and bubbly and I wasn't ready for it this early in the morning.

"Hope you don't mind. I know we haven't spoken in a while. I've been so worried since of what happened to you."

I wasn't sure what to say and after desperately racking my brain for some sort of response I miserably failed.

I did mind, a little. I wish I had a little heads up so I was mentally prepared. I didn't like meeting new people especially in my new state of mind. But that was okay I had to be positive.

"Would you like some tea?" I offer. My socializing skills had sunk to the bottom of the pit and rusted a long time ago. I didn't know what to say afraid of what she would think of me. I didn't want to come out as crazy or even depressed.

"Sure." She smiles sweetly.

I had zero contact with all my friends because the police had asked me to keep a low profile. Not that they needed to ask me, I done that very well on my own cutting everyone off from my life. I just felt more safe and comfortable that way. I couldn't face everyone with a decent explanation to what had happened to me. It was an embarrassment. Humiliation.

I put the kettle on watching Rumena looking around at the kitchen. She seemed to be impressed as her eyes roamed the various pot and pans and electronics.

"Your kitchen is so nice." She compliments sweetly.

See absorbed in the black marble tops. White squeaky clean tiles and cupboards. Everything was exactly spot on and in place not a single object out of place.

"Thanks." I smile for the first time.

Maybe having her around won't be such a bad idea after all.

She spoke about some of our mutual friends getting engaged and married. About how they met up together and had a sleepover.

I would have known all this if nothing had happened to me. They were my friends but now they seemed like strangers that had moved on without me as I listened to Rumena blabber on about a fundraising that she was inviting me to.

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