Chapter 31

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I was back in the dark room. From the looks of it a basement. It was cold. And damp. No one had come for me the whole day. They had told me I could grieve in this room but I had done so until my tears ran dry. I was numb and my emotions were just as numb as my body.

I stay in one place rocking, hugging my knees until I finally hear some noise. I wasn't scared and perhaps I should have been but my mind was not in its right state.

I was wondering when they would come. They must have gone and disposed Ismail's body somewhere. Perhaps it was my turn next.

The door flung open causing my body to jerk in fright.

"Ah so you are awake." I hadn't seen this man before but I was sure he wasn't here to help me. He smiled releasing the lip ring with his teeth. He was accompanied by another skinnier man who wore a bored expression.

The man with the lip ring approaches first stopping inches away. "Come on darling. We have business to attend." He grabs me by my arm hauling me up.

I was dragged into another room. This time placed on a chair. A wooden table was placed in front of me and another man with a shiny head brought in a container of water.

"W What are you going to do to me?" My voice is feeble and the fear in my voice was undeniable.

The two men look to each other and burst out laughing. My eyes were swollen from crying and my face was tear streaked. I could only imagine what I looked like but that was the least of my concerns right now.

"Don't worry sweetheart. You just co operate with us and no harm will be done."

I shook my head pressing my back against the chair.

Of course. There was no way I wanted to be anywhere near their boss. The thought of him disgusted me. How could they think that a muslim girl such as me would willingly...

I felt my hair being pulled and before I could comprehend what was going on my face was dunked into the water.

I fought so hard but It was useless. He was much too strong. I held my breath for as long as I could until I could no longer and let out all the air I was holding in my lungs.

I called to Allah desperately and then felt my head being yanked back. I gasped finally being able to breath again but it all ended as a one big choke. The little water I had inhaled burned my nose and throat.

"Lets try that again shall we?" The blue eyed man looked directly into my eyes sending a chill running down my spine. All traces of laughter gone from his face.

I shook my head once again unable to from a single word.

This time my rejection earned a hard slap to my face and once again I was fighting for breath in a bowl of water. I clawed at his hands and arm but it was of no use. It didn't make a difference to his grip.

The process went on and on until I was crying so hard. And fighting for air.


A hand. A hand was on my shoulder squeezing me. I thrashed against it screaming. I was stuck in that middle dimension between reality and nightmare. I could sense it. I knew it.

I couldn't breathe.


The voice was at once my knight and shining. It was calm, the complete opposite of my frantic heart.

"Open your eyes Sara." The voice ordered.

I felt my hand being wrapped with another familiar set of hands, they were cold and at once every inch of my body calmed down at the mere contact and my eyes slowly open as I bolt upright fighting for air.

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