Chapter 23

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I watch his mischievous smile spread across his face as his hands move to the hem of his shirt.

"Are you crazy?" I immediately put a hand to my eyes. "Why are you pulling your shirt up?" And then I hear the unmistakable sound of a gun click. "You brought that out into a restaurant?" I gasp.

"Of course. Just for caution...and out of habit." He admits sheepishly as he pulls it out.

"Put that away before someone thinks we are terrorists." My eyes dart left and right. "Don't bring that out in public again." I hiss turning around to see if anyone had noticed. The media was already hungry to mark any Muslims as terrorists already. I couldn't deal with any more madness than I already had.

"Relax. I'm an agent, remember?" He proudly beams. Of course he just has to remind me.

"An agent that has to keep his cover acting as my husband." I remind him back.

"An agent that is your husband." He corrects.

"Just put it away will you. I don't want people pointing fingers at us especially since we are blatantly dressed as Muslims." I tell him and then I doubleback on him reconsidering my words. "Well one of us looks like a Muslim." I mutter under my breath, taking in his dark faded jeans and a beard that I was yet to see.

"Wow. That's insulting, you know that?" He had somehow managed to hear with all the racket coming from the kids at the park.

I shrug not meeting his gaze. But it was the truth.

"I would never have guessed you to be a Muslim if I hadn't already known that."

His eyes widen. "I'm offended. I should grow a beard now" He jokes rubbing his chin but I only roll my eyes.

"It's Sunnah to grow the beard." I remind him trying to encourage him without coming out as preachy. There was so many things that I would love to change about him but he had to have the desire to change first which required some patience.

He slides the gun back into his belt and looks around. I only just realized just how dark it had got. Maybe it was best if we left for home now. I didn't feel so sick anymore thanks to some fresh air.

It was late and I needed to get home to pray Isha.

"We should go." I hear Zach say instead as if reading my mind. I nod in agreement and turn to head back towards the way we had come but a loud shrieking sound catches me off guard as I gasp. I lose my footing as I jump in fright right into Zach." Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My heart was pounding at 100 miles.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." I hear Zachs soothing voice. "It was only a bird." He rubs my back.

"Are you sure?" I was on the verge of tears but hearing that it was a bird did not stop me from exploding in fear.


I stay still for a while catching my breath until I realized what I was doing. I was still clutched onto Zachs shirt. I immediately let go thankful that my face was hidden behind the darkness. "You okay?" I hear him ask.

"Yeah." I push back my hair that has suddenly come loose and fix my hijab realising my pin has fallen out.

"Its okay you know." I feel Zach feel for my hands as he squeezes it slightly. On any other occasion I would have slapped him for doing so but the slight gesture and the touch of his hands were comforting. After all I had ran straight into Zach when I thought I was in danger on reflex. I think it was safe to admit that I really did trust Zach.

"It was a bird?" I ask again.


"It was only a bird." I repeat feeling annoyed that I had almost made a scene in public just because of a bird. It was one thing having to live with this part of me that was in constant fear at home, but to not be able to control it in public...?

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