Chapter 5

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"I can't believe we are doing this." I let out a breath as I stepped out from behind the screen. Of course to everyone we were a happy married couple and to much disappointment it had come to the day of our Walima.

What joy!

Zachariah was still fiddling with his tie by the mirror so I took the chance to quickly grab my heels which were lying by the bed and run back behind the screen before Zachariah had the chance to turn around.

"Are you done yet?" Came his impatient voice.


"Then come out."

"I don't want to." Came my weak frail voice.

"You can't hide there forever your going to have to come out sooner or later."

I let out a huff. "I don't want to." I repeat even though I know he is right.

"Well if your not going to come out then I'll just have to come and get you." I sensed the grin in his voice and knew if I did take another minute longer he would actually be true to his words and come to get me.

"Okay fine but no sarcastic remarks." I surrender and step out shyly looking to the ground. I didn't look up to Zachariah but when he didn't say anything and when I didn't even hear him breathing I must admit I got a little worried. When I finally got the courage to look up, Zachariah wasn't even at all looking at me. He was fiddling with his sleeve.


He had been the one to persuade me out and now he wasn't even looking at me! But that should be a good thing though because that is what I had wanted in the first place I remind myself.

"So before we go. I have a few rules." I begin glancing at the time and feeling an unsettling ball settling at the pit of my stomach.

"Great. Oh how I love rules." He mocks sarcastically. I just role my eyes at him ignoring him completely like he had just ignored me.

"When we go out in front of everyone the same rules apply. No touching. No hugging. And of course most definitely no kissing. Just say at least 3 compliments when people are listening and that is about it. Got it?" I pause to take a response.

"Got it." He replies with a slight smile as he pulls his socks up.

I take a few breaths as I know the Walima was happening right her in my very own home. Just a few flights down the stairs and I would have to face everyone. I wasn't good with dealing with people, especially after my incident.

What would everyone think now?

We make our way down and Zachariah came up beside me and stopped where I was taking deep breaths. I glare at him as we both stand behind the door separating us and the guests. He gets the message and takes a sideways step away from me and slowly I am able to breathe better.

"Ready?" Zachariah asks and before I could say my answer he swings the door open and we are facing at least 300 hundred people. My knees go weak but then I feel Zachariahs arm around my waist pinning me to him and he smiles away acting his part even though he had completely violated my number one rule about touching.

"Smile Princess." Zachariah whispers in my ear as he pulls my waist along with him.

"I'm so going to kill you after this." I grit my teeth and whisper back as I force a smile upon my face at the sight of cheerful faces.

We walk towards everyone pausing every so often to greet guests as they congratulated us.

Zachariah even had the nerve to put his arm around my shoulder and that was the 'No hugging' rule violated. He wouldn't dare kiss me in front of all these people so I was relaxed a little as he was speaking with everyone more than I was even though they were all people that I had known longer than he had.

"My wife is the most beautiful thing in the world." I hear Zachariah say and almost choke, well actually I did choke and he rubs my back even with the warning glare I was giving him. Either he didn't seem to realize his actions or he was purposely doing all those things that I had warned him specifically not to. Was this his revenge on me waking him up for Fajr?

Zachariah complimented me some more in front of the people and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes knowing fully well he didn't mean a single word coming out his mouth.

Our eyes locked a couple times that evening and they were mostly glares and death threats when people weren't looking.

We made our way to the table and to my surprise he once again violated my rule as he held my hand leading me to the cake. I was about to rip my hand out of his grasp when he squeezed it more tight as if he knew I was going to do exactly that.

He held the knife and paused at me.

"What?" I frown.

"Aren't we going to cut the cake together?" He raised an eyebrow suppressing a knowing smile. I looked down to the knife poised above the cake and realized everyone watching me.

Oh great I had to hold his hand again. Reluctantly I placed my hand above his ever so gently and we cut the cake slowly and everyone cheered happily. As soon as the cake was cut I wrenched my hands back to myself without anybody noticing thankfully.

And then as Zachariah looked to me with an adoration that was of course fake I couldn't help feel sucked into his greenish grey eyes.

Oh no. He wouldn't. He wouldn't violate the third rule? Not in front of everyone. I felt his hand find mine and then slowly he lifted it and placed a gentle kiss. To everyone it might have seemed sweet but between us we knew it was a way he was taking revenge on me for Fajr time.

I wasn't sure whether or not anyone noticed the disgust on my face and I didn't care.

He completely turned into the devil tonight.

I gave him a look that portrayed everything going in my head right that second but he only just smiled and put a cake in my mouth.


AssalamuAlaykum. I hope that each and everyone of you are in the best of health In Shaa Allah and I hope you are enjoying reading 'Healing'.

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And I must add. Thank you to the wonderful people that had used up their precious time to read my story this week. Jazakallahu khair katheeran! Love you x

I tried to make up for the previous dreadful chapter so I hope I came through with this Chapter. Zach was being a bit naughty today but don't you worry he's gna get it in the next chappy haha.

Next one will be up very soon In Shaa Allah.

Peace xx

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