Chapter 27

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I fold the prayer mat into a neat rectangle just as Sara liked it to be and place it in its allocated area on the shelf.

The time revealed that there was still far too many hours of the day left which left me feeling impatient bored and restless. It was a weekend and I really wanted to meet Amir since he had informed me last night that he had a whole day off. I had declined his offer on getting some gym time and he showed his sympathy towards my imprisonment.

Of course Saras father had made me well aware on a number of occasions and advised me to go out and fulfill any needs that may crop up but so far, everything I needed I had.

I didn't want to leave Sara alone since her Father had been out for hours and although she was safe here I just couldn't bring myself to leave her all alone, no matter how much I needed to leave the mansion.

I pace the room and eventually decide on doing some push ups. At least since the house was ginormous I could excercise just about anywhere. Maybe I could use the banister to do some pull ups, the idea pops up into my head causing me some sort of adrenaline.

I kick my shoes off and feel the rush of adrenaline surge through my body as I find myself easily doing the first few. It was when I felt my arms burn did I be more determined to beat my last record. My arms where on fire and I could feel the beads of sweat on my forehead forming. I loved that feeling of being on fire, it was a great distraction from my current situation. Even my sixth sense was tingling but I was determined to break my last record more than anything at that moment and the sound of the door opening and closing didn't bother me much because no one else entered this room besides Sara and I.

I hear some sort of sound but my heavy breathing and heartbeat were much too loud for me to notice Sara standing there fumbling with her scarf in the corner taking deep breaths. I sensed her waiting for me to turn my attention towards her.

Ever since I had taken this job up its like I had developed a sixth sense. A sense where I feel in my guts if Sara is around or not. It came in handy of course and I was glad to discover such a skill within my ability. I ignore my sixth sense for now and carry on until my arms burn like hell and I could no longer take the pain.

With one last painful push I jump back to my feet not being able to break the record because of a certain someone that had got me distracted.

I stand up wiping the sweat when Sara finally speaks.

"I need to go out?" She mumbles so fast I almost don't catch it.

I warily glance at her biting her lip and see her being serious. "To where?" I raise an eye. Sara has never been out on her own will before. I wonder why she had been acting so strange lately.

" do some shopping." She shrugs casually.

Shopping? Thats hardly believable. Something here isn't right.

"Are you feeling okay?" I consider putting a hand to her forehead and then reconsider throwing my towel on the floor recieving a disapproving look from Sara which then immediately I bend down to pick up with a painful sigh.

"So shall we leave?" She mumbles again dismissing my question. Suddenly she wasn't so aftaid of leaving the house which got me curious. I know she wouldn't just go shopping for no reason. She wasn't the type.

"Are you sure you want to leave the house?" I recall the incident with the bird not too long ago. "Whatever you want I can get it for you." I offer throwing the towel on the couch where it lands with a soft thud.

Her eyes follow the towel slightly distracted and then back at me. "No. That's okay. I can manage to go out for a while just for a few bits." She reassures as if convincing herself too which has me convinced by her confident tone. She definitely seemed different this morning ever since she woke up early. Last few days she had been looking distracted and much to her own thoughts. I thought she was finally going completely crazy.

The whole time she had entered the room she had failed to make eye contact.

I don't know why she felt so embarrassed. I was sure I knew what was happening now. I hold back an amused smile and stare at her bluntly.

She doesn't look to me and when she finally lifts her eyes to meet me after a long silence she's taken aback by my amused smile which could no longer withhold.

"What?" I see her try her best to hold my gaze but then fails absentmindedly fumbling with her scarf.

"Whatever it is you can tell me?"

"What do you mean?" She looks up again frowning.

"You know..." I try to help unable to say the word.

"What?" She doesn't give in being the stubborn little girl that she was.

"The thing on the 22nd." I offer pealing my t-shirt off my torso where it was sticking.

I was desperately in need of a shower and I had to get this shirt off me because it was clinging to my body.

As I had imagined her head snaps at me. Surprise slapped across her face and a frown which shouldn't be there.

"How do you know about that?"

It was hard to tell if she was angry at me or not. She still wasn't fully stating it but I knew that she knew that I knew.

"I read it in your calendar." I shrug. Remembering the very first day I had began my stay with Sara, she had gone to brush her teeth leaving her calendar behind, and I without thinking twice checked her schedules and the important days she had circled. I had done it out of habit of course since I usually do those things when I'm assigned for an infiltration mission. Although I knew I wasn't there to infiltrate anything I had merely done it out of boredom and habit of course. At the time I hadn't thought anything of it.

"You went through my Calendar?" She shrieked which then took me by surprise. Her face had turned a shade red. Either she was embarrassed or angry.


Yup she was definitely angry.

"Yeah. It's no big deal. Wives tell husbands these kind of things all the time. You should too."

"Oh my gosh. Just stop talking." She walked around me unsure of where she was meant to go and then finally circled back around slightly flustered and unsure of what to do with herself.

"Sara. It's really not that big of a deal."

"I can't believe you went through my calender. What else have you done?" And then her eyes go wide accusingly as her hands fly to her mouth "Did you go through my diary?" She gasps.

"No." I defend myself quickly. And then realise what she has just said. "Wait. You have a diary? I didn't know that. Where?"

"Do you even understand the word privacy?" She was so flustered and embarrassed when there was really no reason to be. I should have revealed this when I had wanted to anger her on purpose. This was definitely bad timing. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Its a bloody calendar Sara. It's not like I read your diary."

"Whatever. Don't talk to me or even look at me." She grabs her purse and slams the door shut muttering every insult in her vocabulary.

I wasn't sure if to follow her out or stay away but I chose the latter and grabbed my phone taking this trip to my advantage as I make a phone call with a sly smile.


AssalamuAlaykum. I hope that each and every one of you is in the best of health In Shaa Allah.

I just want to thank everyone who has contributed into getting my story this far. Love you all ❤❤❤

Just one teeny tiny request to my lovely readers....Please dear reader do remember to vote on all the chapters. Yup, all 30 something of them. Pleeease 😆😆😆 hehe.

A big thank you to everyone who has read/voted/commented already. Thank you so so so much. 😙😙😙

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Peace x

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