Chapter 3

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At around 5 in the morning I hear some sounds but I don't think to open my eyes and check it out since I'm in the middle of a very good dream.

After a few minutes my senses kick back in and I remember I'm on a mission and my eyes fly open darting immediately to her bed.

After realizing that the bed was empty. I began to panic. I went over and hauled the duvet onto the floor to confirm the bed was indeed empty.

She was gone!

I ran a hand down my face not believing it.

She was gone and I was in the same bloody room as her. How could I lose her like that?

I ran to my bag and rummaged through my bag for something I had hidden well in case of an emergency.

Damn it. It's in the other bag.

I ran for the other bag when the door creaked open slightly and in walked Sara her face and arms dripping with water.

"Uh...What are you doing?" She paused as she saw my flustered state.

I let out a long breath pinching my nose in relief and made a start towards her about to engulf her into my arms but then her face turned all terrified and she looked like she was ready to run. I stopped awkwardly dropping my hands back to my side.

"I thought you were taken." I say awkwardly, absentmindedly scratching my head.


"Where were you?"

"I went to make Whudu."

"At this time? Why?" I say incredulously.

"Its Fajr Salah now." She said like I should already know.

"Oh right."


She walked over to her towel making sure to leave enough room between us as she walked passed me.

She grabbed her prayer mat just as I lay back trying to resume my dream I had just been having even though I couldn't remember what it had been about anymore.

I was just falling back into a different dream when icy cold water hit my face and I sat up abruptly shaking it all off.

"What the..." I wiped at my eyes and when I opened them again Sara had a stern look on her face as she was looking at me in disappointment. "Why did you just do that?" I say in annoyance.

"Because you were going back to sleep without praying your Fajr." She scolded me.


A look crossed her face like she couldn't believe it. "So?" She screeches. "You don't pray?" She says in utter disbelief.

I shook my head before drawing the blanket back over my face only for it to be yanked from me.

"What is your problem. Just let me be."

"Not until you pray."

"I'm tired." I put an arm over my eyes leaning back.

"Zach. Are you rejecting a direct command from Allah even though you are fully awake?"


Ugh..why did she have to say it like that?

When she put it like that I had no choice but to go make whudu and pray the 4 rakats of Fajr. I really can't remember the last time I prayed let alone got up for Fajr. To be honest I didn't know if I was saying everything right in my prayer. All I could think about was getting back to sleep.

When I finish I find her staring at me and although I tried to ignore it, it was just annoying.

"Stop staring." I tell her annoyed that I am no longer tired.

"You better get used to waking up for Fajr because I'm not going to let you miss a single one." She says with a sly smile playing at her lips.


Oooo fajr is probably the hardest prayer to do so if you are someone that prays Fajr everyday you are awesome.

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