Chapter 41

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I text Sara since she was gone for almost fifteen minutes. Her reply was almost instant.

I'm sorry

I frown at first wondering why she felt the need to apologize. It was only normal. She was feeling sick after everything like she usually did and I don't blame her. She had gone thorugh a horrible time with her kidnappers and here they were trying to take her right back. Anyone in their right mind would be terrified out of their wits. She could take all the time she needed and I was going to wait for her for as long as she needed. I smile down at my screen and type back a quick reply.

You don't need to apologise. I'm right here. I won't leave. Promise :)

I place my phone away and wait. An elderly lady with short ginger curly hair passed by giving a side glance in my direction. I step aside so as to give the room she wanted so she could enter the ladies restroom. I keep up my smile but she doesn't return it leaving me to fake smile. My smile drops the second she breaks eye contact and I wait impatiently leaning against the wall tapping my foot.

When I had said I was going to be waiting out here didn't mean I'd want to wait here all day. I pull my phone out checking the time. She had been gone for 20 minutes. I pull out my contact list ready to hit the call button but then the restroom door opens and the ginger lady appears again thankfully just as I need her.

"Excuse me." I say. She turns having to raise her head all the way up. "Can you please do me a favour. My wife in not feeling well could you just maybe check on her for me please." I plead a little when I see the reluctance on her face. Her face was unbothered and I wondered if she heard me in the first place.

"There's no one in there." She finally huffs ready to leave in a hurry.

"Please could you just check again she may be in the other cubicle." I couldn't believe I had to be begging her. She searches my face and then I see her give in after a painful 10 seconds of her trying to judge my intentions.

"Oh alright." She turns in exasperation slipping back in and then a few seconds later reappears.

"There is no one there." She repeats already hobbling away.

"Are you sure?" Why was she lying?

"I may be old but I'm not blind. There's no one in there." She snaps taking me by surprise and then I left it at that deciding if she wasn't going to help I'd go there in myself. Screw the rules of only ladies allowed to enter. When she leaves around the bend I slip with caution hoping no one would walk in on me.

Once I was in, the hygiene of the ladies rest room took me by surprise. It was spotless with mirrors across one wall above the taps the other side was a line of cubicles. They even had a plant in the corner!

"Sara?" I call and then frown when I see all the cubicles vacant and no sign of Sara. Every single door was open and left slightly ajar and as I check more carefully going through each door one by one my mind fails to come up with a rational answer. There was no way she was not here. I open the final door and a light breeze settles on my face. My eyes go straight to the open window at first I don't think anything of it. It was normal to have a window open in the toilets but then Sara was no where in sight. Every cubicle was empty and that's when an unsettling feeling erupts making me sick. It could not be.

No way.

Why would she?

My foot was already on the move before I could come up with an answer. One thing was for certain. Sara had left through that window. It was the only way out. But why?

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