Chapter 48

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I woke up early in the morning to go and write out my file. I was surprised no one had grilled me yet since it had been a whole week and I had only just come to file in my own report now.

I still had to go to Sara's house to go through with the divorce papers, so I planned on going right after.

As I made my way out John stopped me, calling me into his office.

"Ah Zach. Did you file in your report?"

"Yes sir."

"And I'm assuming your beginning a intensive workout routine for fitness."

"Yes sir."

"Good. And your decision?"

"What decision?"

"Your decision with the girl. Are you continuing a relationship with her or not?"

"Look John, no offence but your the last person I would talk to about these things..."

"Just answer the question."

"No. I'm not staying with her."

John fell silent and when I look to him he has his eyes on the table.


I narrow my eyes "What do you mean 'oh'?"

"I just thought you would have chose to stay married is all."

"Yeah well. I didn't choose that." I shrug feeling awkward with the topic-and slightly a little annoyed.

"You know Zach, It's okay to have other people you love in your life? Look at me I have a wife and 3 kids, we are as happy as we can be because we have each other."

"Look John I really don't want to be talking about love and crap. I really have to go. I have divorce papers to sign." I bounce impatiently on my legs. John lets out a long breath holding back his words and looks to me with concern, like a father.

"Okay then, go if you really need to." John waves his hand dismissively and buries his head in work again.

I walk out hating myself and reluctantly make way to Sara's house. I kill the engine but don't get out. All day I had waited for a sign ever since I had done Istikhara but there was none of it. So if I was to ever get a sign it was now or never. I had no idea what I was waiting for but I stayed still waiting in my car as if the tree in front might suddenly turn around and start giving out advice.

I even brought a copy of the quran with me in my bag. It was a translated english version so I can read and actually understand it. I had flicked through it once before and read a story of prophet yusuf, but that was all.

I remained sitting in the car with the Quran in hand waiting for a sign or anything, but nothing would happen.

I saw a cat run across the road but I doubt that meant anything. A cat running didn't really seem like a sign to me.

I took a deep breath and was now getting desperate. "Okay Allah. I would really love it, for you to give me a sign so I know if my decision is the correct one I made." I say out loud and when nothing happens I feel silly. I was expecting a stampede of hippos or even a happy couple walk by heck even if a spider bit me-Okay no, maybe the spider biting me was a bit too drastic. I shudder and when nothing happens I take it; that either I done the Istikhara wrong or that I had to just stick to my decision that I had made. I looked at the Quran once again and gave it one more flick and almost hit my head on the roof when one of the pages of the Quran fell out. 


I quickly bend down to pick it up and was relieved to find it wasn't a page of the Quran but just some paper that was placed inside, and when I turned it over to see what it was, at first I frown, completely disappointed that the it didnt read ' Zach you idiot. Wrong descision'. I drop my head back feeling irritated that the sign was not so clear. It was driving me mad. And just then as I was about to make a move to exit the car, my eyes flickered in realisation of something. I then look back to the paper and blink in thought before smiling.

I think I just found my sign.


I ring the doorbell and Nancy greeted me with a smile and when I walked in further I caught sight of Sara she was descending down the stairs in a rush.

She stops when she sees me and I smile up at her.

"Hey babe."

Sara's eyes turn wide as saucers, frantically looking left and right.

"Zach! Don't say that out loud. My dads around you know." She scolds me as she closes the gap between us and then giggles when I pull her into my arms. She doesn't look too upset like I had assumed she would.

"Where? I don't see him?" I make a show of looking around and she giggles some more.

"Most probably in his office."

"Good." I head straight for the office room before Sara can say anything.

I knock once and hear a voice telling me to come in.

"AssalamuAlaykum." I greet.

"Wa AlaykumAssalam." He replies and I see a bunch of papers in his hand and assume the divorce papers are somewhere amongst them.

"Well lets get this over with shall we? I'll call them in."

"Wait." I stop him before he can get any further towards the door.

"What's wrong?" Saras dad turns with a frown.

I scratch the back of my head unsure how to say what I want.

"I changed my decision." I finally say.

"First you say your going to go ahead with the divorce as planned, and now you're saying you're not. Which one is it going to be son? You need to hurry and make up your mind." Sara's dad taps the tip of the papers against the table impatiently.

"I'm not going to go ahead with the divorce. I done Istikhara and got my answer loud and clear. I'm not going ahead with the divorce." I repeat out loud and finally grasp on to what I am saying. This was a huge decision for me and saying it out loud before Sara's dad finalised it.

Sara's dad didn't say anything and when I really looked at him his face broke out into a big fat grin taking me off guard.

"I knew you would eventually come around."


"Please. There is no way you can live without my Sara. It was written all over your face."

I was slightly confused but there was still one problem.

"What will Sara think now...I mean you told her yesterday...."

"I didn't tell her."

"You didn't?"

"Nope." He shakes his head.

"Why not?"

"Because I too done Istikhara and I followed it through. This is what is meant to be." Sara's dad smiles and eventually my smile makes it's way to my eyes.

There's a knock at the door and then Sara enters. My heart almost sings when I catch her smile at me. Suddenly, I had to fight this sudden strong urge of not sweeping her up into my arms in front of her father.

How did I nearly make the biggest mistake of my life?



2 more chapters remain. I don't want this to end :(

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