Chapter 39

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Even though I was grateful for a certain amount of preparation that went into having a place cleared out for me, the emptiness of the parking lot made my skin crawl. For some reason I no longer liked empty places or being on my own. I felt much more at ease knowing people who care about my safety were always with me. In the recent months I have grown to trust and have come accustomed to is Zach. No matter the situation, it always was easier with him by my side.

We walked side by side and I sneaked glances at him as he quickly raked the area on instinct. He didn't need to behave as my bodyguard but it just came as second nature to him.

Nothing was wrong as usual. It had been a while that something had gone horribly wrong. In a way I felt my fear slowly fading. I had become much stronger as a person and even physically. I was not the weak women I used to be but the moment Zach and I turned the corner to our car things took a drastic turn.

I stopped the moment I saw it and so did Zach not taking a single step further.

"Holy sh..." His words died out the moment he caught my gaze. I wasn't about to tell him for his inappropriate language since that was far from mind. There was one thing that was running wild in my head. I was scared all over again. I could see my expression reflected on Zach's face.

Our car had been slightly beaten and the windows shattered. The wing mirror hung on its last hope.

Zach recovered first.

Immediately I felt Zach pull me behind him as if shielding me from seeing the damage itself, but It was too late, I had already seen it and the image was forever tucked away to memory.

"I need to get you out of here." He says at once taking my hand with one hand and signals to someone at the back with the other.

"How do they know wherever I go?" I raise my voice as I run to keep up with Zach's fast strides.

"They must have their eyes on you somehow." Zach says not really answering my question full heartedly as he kept glancing behind his shoulders and making sure we were always in the clear. Or rather that I was safe and in the clear.

"Don't be afraid." He glances at me.

"I'm not." I lie.

"Good. Because I won't let anything happen to you."

"Okay." I nod.

I continue to keep up doing my own scanning for anyone out of the ordinary.

I should have been scared but there was a side in me that seemed to keep it together surprisingly. I had always known I was in danger that was nothing new. What was new was that I trusted someone with my life and fully let them take control over the situation.

We stop by a water fountain in an area that should have been crawling with people. The sun that had made an appearance in the morning and was now resting behind giant fluffy clouds.

"Sara do you trust me?" Zach suddenly asks. I check our surrounding for anything dangerous.

"Of course." I say a little distracted by some motorbikes abandoned on the pavements. A few men perhaps three smoked cigarettes while leaning against the wall.

"Good then stay here and don't move until I get back." He says but I am too busy trying to spot familiar faces and only register his words a second too late.

I look to my right and panic. Zachariah wasn't there. How could he leave me?

The few men huddled around the corner glanced at me and almost instantly a bad feeling settled at the pit of my stomach and one guy motioned another guy to advance making my stomach drop.

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