chapter 2

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(Edited- first draft)
#130 in werewolf
Thank you so much, guys!!

Ana POV:

It was half-past four and all the arrangements were done. The event was going to start at seven in the evening. So we have enough time to go to the apartment, get ready and come back.

All throughout the day, I have been feeling a little off. Mia said that it was just my nerves.

"Chill it's going to be fine, you are just nervous Ana", she said while walking to the apartment with me.

"I don't know, it's is a big event and we have worked so hard. I just want it to be successful."

"Yes it will be Ana, don't worry. Besides, it's our last assignment and we will be graduating after this."


After an hour, we both were ready. I was wearing a black semi-sheer dress with thread work with black heels. For accessories, I went with diamond studs and a bracelet. My makeup consisted of natural smokey eyes and red matt lipstick to complete my look. Whereas Mia wore a red dress with a golden belt, gold accessories and black heels. Her makeup was a golden eyeshadow with black winged eyeliner and nude lipstick.

For the event, the resort provided us with a car. We reached there just before the time and went over some last minute details. The guests started arriving shortly and the opening ceremony went smoothly. It was a huge success and everyone appreciated our work.

We were on our way to the after party which was happening on the other side of the resort. Since Mia and I were wrapping up the ceremony hall, we got pretty late. Suddenly Mia froze.

"Hey what happened, why did you stop?"

Instead of answering me, she looked towards the woods. I looked to see what she spooked her but couldn't see anything.

"Mia, is everything alright?"

Again, I got no answer. She then turned towards me with panic and fear in her eyes and said," Run Ana, and whatever happens do not look back. Go to the party area. Find Travis Smith, ask him for help." 

"But I can't just leave you. What is happening? There is no one here and why do you keep looking at the woods? Just come with me."

"Sorry Ana, I can't explain it to you right now. Just go fast and find him ok... Go." With that, she pushed me toward the party area. I don't know why she was acting so strange but I trust her enough to do what she asked.

With one last look at her, I ran towards the party. Just as the area came in my view, someone hit my head from behind and I fell on my knees hard. Warm liquid flowed down my head and soon enough darkness overtook me.

When I started getting conscious, I realised that I was in a car's backseat. It was going very fast and by the number of bumps, it seems to be on an unpaved road. There were two men sitting in front fighting among themselves. They haven't noticed me awake yet. So I tried to be still and pretended to be unconscious while figuring out why in the world was I being kidnapped by these two?

"How far till we reach there?", One of the goons said.

"Maybe in two hours, I guess. Boss said to bring the girl directly to him," said another goon.

"I don't understand why would he need this girl, She is just a human."

I couldn't understand what my kidnappers were trying to say. Why were they calling me a human? Aren't we all. And where are they taking me? Do I have a stalker or maybe they were going to sell me? All kinds of negative thoughts were swirling through my mind.

I peeked outside the car to see it's pitch black. The only light was through the car's headlight. It means that we are in a remote area or maybe on a deserted road near a Highway. I strained my ears to hear any noise that can indicate any nearby civilization but could only hear the car's engine.

My first thought was to save myself. Maybe if I could surprise my kidnappers and run. They will be caught off guard and I can get a head start. But my plan has only one glitch, the car was moving at a high speed and my head wound was already aching. It may be fatal, but it was my only chance.

With all the energy I had left in me, I screamed loudly. The goon that was driving lost control and we crashed into a tree. Seeing both of them knocked out, I hurriedly got out and started running.

The first thing I noticed about my surroundings was that I was in the woods and I had no idea about the directions. But it was better to run than to be around my kidnappers. God knows what these guys want but I was not going to stick around to find that.

After a while of running, I got very tired. But thinking that my kidnappers were still looking for me and there will be other wild animals that could harm me, I decided to climb a tree that should be high enough to rest safely and keep a watch too. I didn't know climbing those trees in summer camps would come this handy one day.

Resting my back against the branch, I closed my eyes. My plan, for now, was to wait for the morning so that I could make out where to go. Tomorrow I would figure something out besides resting will help to gather my energy as well.

The sound of wolves' howling broke my slumber. Looking down the tree, I saw two huge wolves sniffing and growling. I have never seen such huge wolves. One was a reddish brown colour and the other a dark brown with grey tints. Both have blood red eyes and parts of their fur missing. They looked wild and rabid.

Today has been a series of unexpected events. I was kidnapped and now I was going to be the food of these two wild wolves. But the next event horrified me. The snapping of bones filled the air and the wolves transformed into humans. Not just any humans but my kidnappers. What were they? Are they monsters? A myth tale? A supernatural?

Goon A who was driving spoke to goon B," The scent ends here. She must be around somewhere."

"It is a pack territory, we should hurry before we are caught," said goon B.

"Do you think the pack -" goon A was cut short by wolves howling. "Shit, let's go. The border patrol has alerted the pack. Leave the girl. She is not worth this trouble."

They started running the opposite direction and 2 minutes later, a group of wolves went after their direction. It was all too much for me. So in that moment of shock, I went down the tree and started running opposite of them. It was a stupid move. I have left my safe place. But I wanted to be away from all of them, whatever they are and back to my apartment.

I was running deep into the forest, unaware of the direction. I just wanted to get away from them. I could feel the cool breeze brushing through my face and with the sky void of moon and stars I couldn't see anything properly. My wounds were aching badly but I couldn't stop, knowing they will be behind me.

My breathing has started to become laboured and I was feeling dizzy. It wasn't too long before I collapsed and fell hard on the forest floor. The pain shot through my side and I could feel warm liquid in my mouth. Another howl broke through the woods and the thudding sounds of paws could be heard. I laid there knowing I am going to be killed very soon and I don't even know why?

My eyelids felt heavy and closed on their own accord. It was painful to breathe too. Soon I felt a presence near me. I could feel and listen to them but couldn't move or see. Like I'm trapped in my body. They were new voices, two men from what I gathered. One of the men checked my pulse and said to another," her pulse is weak and breaths shallow. What should we do beta Xavier? "

The man, he referred to as beta said," Take her to the pack hospital, we can still save her."

The other guy replied something but I couldn't hear it as all my senses dulled, and the darkness took over me for the second time today.


// Hey guys,
So Ana was kidnapped but why? Any guesses
How do you think the beta will react to have a human in pack territory?
What happened to the kidnappers?
Find out in the next chapter till then keeping commenting your guesses down below.

P.s: Do Like, Comment and Share!!!


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