chapter 19

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Kaiden pov:

"Xavier, did our men find anything in mystic moon?"

"Yes Alpha, they went to the resort and Ana's rented apartment. There was some stale scents of rogues in the area. It looks like they were keeping tabs on her."

"What about her friend, Mia? Did they find anything related to her?"

"I am afraid not. Mia has literally gone M.I.A. from the party just as Ana. Both of their parents received the same SMS."

"What about their phones. Any luck on that?"

"Both of their phones were found crushed while searching in the nearby woods. It seems that Mia was also kidnapped along with Ana."

"How much does we know about Mia? Is she a wolf?"

"I have searched her entire family history and she has no werewolf connection. She is fully human."

"Hmmm, this is turning out to be way complicated than it looks." I said dragging my hands through my hairs.

"Do you have her picture?"

"Yes, they got it from their apartment."

"Okay, send it to the other packs near us and ask if they had seen her."

"Did they find any trail from the resort to that location Ian gave us?"

"They are still searching. The woods have many trails and rogues scent. That area is frequently used by rogues for travel so it is impossible to gain any information from there."

"How am I going to protect my pack and Luna if I don't know what the rogues are planning."

"You have us Kaiden, we will fight and protect both the pack and our Luna," Xavier said.

"Yes Kaiden, I agree with Xavier. Right now the situation is not looking good but as long as we are together, we will fight and defeat those rogues."

"Thank you guys, I truly appreciate it."

With that we hugged. It had been so long since we have just relaxed and bonded like before. With new responsibilities, we hardly have time for ourselves.

"You don't have to thank us Kaiden, it's our job to protect the pack." Will said.

" I know but-" Suddenly I felt a wave of dizziness.

"Kaiden, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that I am feeling a little strange."

Will looked at me in alarm,"It's Ana."

We all raced from my office to my bedroom. The door was locked.

"Ana, are you alright? Open the door, it's Kaiden."

"Ana. Please open the door."

I looked at Xavier and Will and then turned back to break the door. Upon entering, I saw Ana lying on the floor unconscious with her face half covered by a cloth.

I picked her up carefully and laid her on the bed. I checked her for injuries and when I couldn't find one, I called Ari. Meanwhile, Xavier and Will were checking the room and bathroom for threats.

Ari entered the room and went to check her. I was freaking out. She was just fine a few hours ago. What has happened to her?

Ari checked her eyes, mouth, breathing and nails. Then she took a blood sample and added few things to it. I was not sure what she was doing but it was taking a lot of time.

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