chapter 14

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Dedicated to all my readers!! Love to all.


I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. I had the best sleep after a long time. For the past few weeks, I was on edge and couldn't sleep well. Yesterday after learning about werewolves and mates, I accepted Kaiden as my mate and am going on a date with him. There were still some questions that were unanswered but I am going to approach them slowly. I looked down to see Kaiden's arms around my waist. He fell asleep while talking to me for a while after the kiss. I blushed to remember what that felt like. I was glad that my first kiss had been with Kaiden. Not that I am going to tell him soon. That's surely going boost his ego.

I removed his arms carefully and got to freshen up. I was in the bathroom when I heard him calling out my name frantically. He knocked on the door," Ana are you inside?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I said to him while washing my face. Patting it dry with a face towel, I went back to find him pacing the bedroom.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked him. He seemed so peaceful when I left him sleeping and now he looked like a mess.
Hearing my voice, his head turned in my direction and his shoulders sagged with relief. He hugged me tightly and put his head on my neck while inhaling deeply.

"Yeah, I saw a nightmare and when I woke up you were not here so I got scared that something has happened to you." He said after a few minutes, still hugging me.

"Its okay, I am right here." The situation was so ironic. Yesterday I was trying to escape to go back to my 'normal' life and now I feel like this life here with Kaiden is normal. It's funny how the definition of normal changed for me in a few hours.

"I know I can feel sparks throughout my body. It's something only a mate's touch can do to you." He said.

"Are you sure I'm your mate Kaiden, coz I don't feel any sparks."

"That's normal, it's because you're human. You will feel them once I mark you."

"Mark? What's that suppose to mean?"

"Marking is a very intimate process in werewolf world. It means I have to bite you here" he said while kissing the place between my neck and shoulder sending a shiver down my body. But the word bite brings me out of my daze.

"Bite??? Are you serious? I thought you were a werewolf, not a vampire. I am not letting you bite me. Are you are crazy?"- with that, I walked out of the bedroom ignoring Kaiden's pleas to listen.

I know I was a complete bitch to him, but I wasn't out of line by being angry. I had just realized my feelings and being mates and he was already suggesting something outrageous like this. I found Ari sitting in the chairs on the patio.

"Hey, what got you in this mood? You look angry. Did Kaiden do something?" she asked me while making me sit on one of the chairs.

"Yes, he wants to bite me; something relating to marking. Can you believe it?" I said still fuming over the matter. I heard a muffled sound and looked up to see Ari trying to cover-up her laugh.

"It's not funny, Ari. I am serious. He wants to bite here," I told her pointing toward the area. At that, she burst out laughing and said in between laugh,"Oh god!! This is... epic... hahaha..."

I was ready to walk out of there when she added," it's not like that Ana. Didn't he explain it to you?"

"What is there to explain Ari? He wants to bite me!!" I exclaimed loudly gaining attention by the people nearby.

"Ana listens to me; marking is the way by which male werewolves show other wolves that the bearer is taken. A male is very protective and possessive of their mates. It is done to keep unmated wolves away. It shows that you are somebody's mate. And most importantly, it forms a connection between mates. Like they feel each other's emotions and find them easily if they are in any danger."

"But still, it's a bite we are talking about Ari. I am still new to all this; to your world."

"I know you have doubts Ana, here see this. It's my mark," she said pulling down her top a little so I can see it. It looks like a faded teeth mark with W.S. written in between it.

"It's beautiful. Did you feel any pain" I asked her mesmerized?

"Just for a second. After that, you feel a connection forming. It's the most pleasurable feeling. Listen, you have nothing to worry about. If you are not ready, Kaiden won't force you. I promise you that." She said reassuring me.

"She is right: I won't ever force you to do anything you don't want to."- Kaiden said merging out in the patio. I turned around and gave a smile to him.

"I am sorry I overreacted Kaiden."

"I am sorry too. I should have explained it better. So, will you still go on a date with me?"

"Yes, I would love to."

"Okay, be ready by 7 pm." He beamed and turned to go back inside.


He turned around quickly and asked what happened.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Okay, but what should I wear?"

"Anything you wear looks beautiful on you"- with that he went inside.

I blushed at the compliment and then realized I have no idea what I am going to wear.

Ari must have seen the panic look coz the next minute she said she is going to help me. We went to my closet which was now full of new clothes from the other day. We decided on white lace shorts with demin shirt.

I took a shower and came out to sit at the vanity where Ari insisted to curl my hairs. After about half an hour, she moved on to do my makeup. I wanted it to be natural. After that, I wore my outfit and she gave me a tan platform heel for footwear with a matching sling bag that has my phone, lip gloss and some tissues.

With five minutes to 7 pm, I walked down the stairs to the living area where Kaiden was already present talking to Xavier. He turned around and looked startled for a second before his eyes lit up with a full blown smile.

"You look beautiful," he said while taking my hand to kiss it. I blushed red from the compliment.

"Why, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

Truth is he was looking so handmade that any girl would want to be with him. That thought sent a pang of jealousy through my heart. Not to let it show, I waved goodbye to Ari, Will and Xavier.

Kaiden being the perfect gentleman opened the car door for me and jogged to the other side to sit in the driver's seat. He looked at me nervously and said,"Do you trust me, Ana?"

"You know I trust you. Why are you asking me that?"

He pulled out a piece of cloth, "I want to blindfold you for the surprise" he said sheepishly.

I was stunned. Not because he wants to blindfold me but for the fact that he asked for my permission. Nodding, I turned my back to him so that he can tie it well.

"This better be good Kaiden. I don't necessarily like surprises."

He let out a chuckle, "I promise you're going to love it."


Hey guys,
So, it's date time for Ana and Kaiden.
Where do you think Kaiden will take her?
Will Ana let him mark her?
Find out what happens in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!

P.s: please Like Comment and Share.

- Sonal.

Luna Analia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora