chapter 3

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Warning: This chapter contains violent scene. If you are uncomfortable please skip the part marked ######
Thank you!

Xavier pov:

"Beta, two rogues are sighted on the southeast border, they are inside our territory." Said border patrol.

"Okay, keep an eye on them. I am coming." I said while setting aside the paperwork.

Something was off. Rogues were always careful of our pack. Everyone knows that we kill the rogues on sight. But during the last month, they have been seen wandering around the surrounding areas.

It didn't go unnoticed by our Alpha. We had a suspicion that they are mobilizing and planning something big against the packs. Rumours had it that they have a Leader as well. That's why our Alpha went to the All Alphas Association Meeting to discuss this matter with other packs and formulate a plan of defence against them.

Rogues are considered dangerous in our world as criminals to human. They don't follow rules and always engage themselves in vicious activities. And if they are gathering then all the packs are at risks.

I quickly mind linked my warriors to reach the border and capture the rogues. It was time to get some answers. Exiting through the pack house, I quickly changed into my wolf and went towards the location. Upon reaching the scene, I saw that my warriors have the rogues in custody.

"What are you both doing in our territory, Rogues?" I spat at them.

"It was a mistake, we were just passing by. We didn't know we have crossed a boundary. Please spare us," One of them said. He was young, well built and have square face, dark brown eyes and reddish hair while the other one was an old man, somewhere around 45 years, oval face, brown eyes and brown hair with Grey in between.

Upon assessing them, they were showing fear but it felt fake as if they were hiding something. I gave a look at my warriors and they knew what I was thinking. It was an old trick we learned during our training.

They smiled knowingly and positioned the rouges in front of each other. Both the rogues were confused and looked around them to see what we were doing and then to each other. The older rogue's eyes widened and I knew that he had figured it out.

####### (violent scene starts)

"So, mind telling me the actual reason for entering in our territory or should I kill u both slowly in front of each other," I said looking directly in their eyes. The younger rogue was cowering and I knew he would be easy to crack. The older rogue looks experienced and judging by the grim look on his face, he knew what was going to happen next.

"Taylor, I think these rogues need a little persuasion. Do u mind taking care of it? We don't want our guest here to think, we are not a good host, now do we."

"Of course beta, I would love to show them our great hospitality," Taylor said while moving behind the older rogue and Mason went behind the younger one.

Taking out a silver knife, Taylor cut the skin of the older rogue's back making him scream. The younger one thrashed around but Mason held him down.

I asked the younger rogue again,"Why are you both here?"

The older rogue looked at me in disgust and spat at the ground.

I looked at the younger one and knew what I have to do next. With a nod to Taylor, he snapped the older rogue's neck. A howl broke through the younger rogue and he fell on his knees crying. Anyone could tell the older rogue was of great importance to the younger one. Maybe he was a mentor or father figure.

##########(violent scene ends)

I know it's cruel but it was the perfect time to question the rogue. He was vulnerable. So I started with easy questions.

"What is your name rogue?"

"I- Ian" he stammered.

"Okay Ian, I am Xavier brown, the beta of Midnight blue pack. How old are you?"

"15 yea- years old," he replied.

"What were you doing here, in our pack's territory?"

He didn't answer and kept crying looking at the older rogue's body.

"Ian, answer me, what were you doing in our territory?"- I flashed my wolf eyes, making him flinch.

"I - I, we were taking a human girl with us. We were paid- paid to kidnap her and take her to a location. Please don't kill me."

Human girl, that was not what I expected. I thought maybe they were gathering information about our pack. Something like Our strength, weakness, border patrol timings or anything else but not this.

Then I thought, maybe he is playing tricks with me to throw me off guard and run. Rogues are known for their dirty tricks and mind games. He may be young but looks can be deceiving.

But if he is telling the truth, then we have to find that girl and see what she knows. The alpha is not here and I cannot take a risk. Maybe this human girl has accidentally heard or seen something.

"Mason come with me and Taylor take Ian to the dungeons. Lock him, we will wait for the Alpha.

"Take a swipe of the area, see if u find any human girl and if u do catch any scent, then mind link me immediately. Am I understood?" I ordered the pack warriors.

"Yes, beta Xavier" - they replied in unison.

Let's see if Ian is actually telling the truth or was it one of the dirty tricks, rogues are so famous about. After searching for nearly fifteen minutes, Mason and I came across a human scent which was overpowered by the smell of blood. If it was the girl as Ian mentioned, then she would be heavily injured.

We found her lying on the forest floor. Blood was constantly oozing out of her wounds. Her eyes were closed but the little movement in her chest showed that she was not dead, yet. Why would the rogues capture such an innocent human? The girl looks young, hardly between 18-22 years.

Mason checked her pulse and said," her pulse is weak and she is breathing shallow. What should we do beta? "

"Take her to the pack hospital, we need to save her first."

I mind linked the pack doctor to be ready while Mason carefully lifted her up and brought her to the pack hospital. The pack doctor met us at the door and quickly took her inside.

Nearly after two hours, the pack doctor came out and told the girl survived but the injuries led her brain to shut down. She was basically in coma now.

"Shouldn't you inform the Alpha, beta Xavier?" Mason asked sitting next to me in the office.

"I should, but I don't want to trouble him more. You know how these meetings go. He is under a lot of pressure already. Besides his phone is unavailable and I cannot discuss this information on public line. Meanwhile, we'll try to get information from Ian."

Mason nodded and left  and I started on my paperwork once again.


// Hey guys,

Do you like the chapter in Xavier's pov?
Do you think Xavier's interrogation techniques were cruel regarding the circumstances?

Meanwhile, Ana is in a coma and rogues are posing a threat to all packs.
Check out what happens when the Alpha returns to his pack and learns about the new addition in the next chapter. Till then happy reading!!

P.S: Do Like, Comment and Share.

- Sonal

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