chapter 22

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This chapter contains mature content. If you are uncomfortable reading it please skip the part *****. Thank you.

Ana pov:

The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed and hungry. Apparently, the medicine was strong enough that I slept throughout the remaining day and night. Kaiden went to get me breakfast while I was freshening up in the bathroom.

I joined him and we ate in silence. He informed me that Ari will join us in a while. She has the reports and wants to talk to both of us.

"Hello, Alpha Kaiden and Ana how are you now?" She asked while checking my pulse and temperature.

"I am good, in fact, I feel much better than yesterday."

"Ari, what do the reports say?" Kaiden asked her.

"Well, it's not life threatening, but to be honest I got surprised by the results and so I contacted my seniors. The reports show that you are in the beginning stage of heat."

"What???" I said and the same time Kaiden swore, "Shit."

"What does that mean? Is it contagious?" I panicked.

"But she is human, is it possible?" He said again at the same time.

"No Ana, please relax. Heat is the time period in wolves lives when they mate and reproduce. And Kaiden, it is possible. I have confirmed it myself from senior's doctors. Not all the human mates but only the ones mated to higher ranks go through it."

"How long will it last?" Kaiden asked.

"Apparently, human mate's heat cycle is different. It changes from person to person. We have to see." Ari said.

I was listening to their each and every word and wondering how my life was turning out to be a soap opera. Twist and turns were around every corner.

I was going to find out what was in that letter but now how will I? When I will be on constant watch.

"- and I will be with Ana all the time. But in case her health deteriorates, you will be near and ready with your equipment. Am I understood?" Kaiden said.

"Alpha, I will stay with Ana. You should go and assign duties and other work for the period you will be with her." Ari said.

"Okay, but if she needs me; then call me immediately. Ana baby, I'll be back in a few minutes." He kissed my forehead and left.

"Ari, can it delayed or something? I don't even know the details of what will happen to me? And I am too young to be pregnant." I was confused and terrified.

"Ana, don't worry. You have Kaiden, me and the whole pack behind you. You are not alone, you can depend on us. As for the delay, there is nothing I could do. It is designed by nature for us to reproduce. Medicine can only help on a certain level, after that it depends on your mate and mate bond." All this information was making me dizzy so I lay down while she sat beside me.

A sharp pain in my abdomen woke me up from my slumber. I whimper when it shot throughout my body. My skin was burning and my mind was foggy. In my haze, I saw Ari carrying me to the bathroom. She helped me out of the clothes and leaving me only in my undergarments. Then she made me sit in the bath tub.

"The dip in the ice cold water will help you soothe the heat to some extent but only Kaiden can help you go through this," Ari said as I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"It's okay I'm here," Kaiden said as his one arm winds around the back of knees and the other wraps around my waist before lifting me into his stronghold. I let out a sigh of happiness when the pain subsides and in place of it, I felt pleasure. He looks down at me as I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my nose in it. His soft lips brush my forehead and I smile against him.

"Be careful Kaiden and we'll take care of the pack house," Ari says and he nods in her direction. He carries me back to the bed and gently lays me down.

"Kaiden" I screamed as a new wave of heat consumed me and my entire body arched off the bed. There was an uncomfortable pull in my core and it seemed as though it was the centre of the fire that was taking over me.

I'd never seen or heard anyone talking about their heat in the pack house but honestly, right now I couldn't imagine anyone saying anything good about it.

"Let me take care of you Ana," Kaiden said and his voice seemed far away in my head. He came and hovered over me with his hands at either side of my head and his body inches away from mine. As soon as his lips claimed mine, the fire and pain decreased a lot and I sighed into his mouth.

******** Mature content below

His touch was cold and refreshing on my burning skin like a cold glass of water after being parched for days in a desert.

His lips trailed down to where he marked me and I felt a wave of pleasure washed through me. The fire begins to cool down with his every kiss and touch. And when he reached the revealed cleavage of my bra, I melted right then and there.

He kept on teasing me with his kisses and taking his time in exploring every inch of my body. My hands locked themselves around his neck to his hairs and I pulled him down further if it was possible. His lower body was grinding on my core and I let out a moan. I wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted my hips to meet with him.

I'd never thought about having sex before but being in this situation with him, I don't think I regret anything. He was everything to me, once a person I wanted to run away from and now the person, I wanted to run to.

One of his hands that were on my waist came up to my ribcage and he traced his fingers across my skin to my back and hesitantly opened the hooks. He then cupped my breast and groaned into our kiss. I smiled feeling satisfied that I have the same effect on him as he has on me.

I looked into his eyes as they darkened into black pits and a low growl escaped his lips. He looked deep into my eyes and I blushed violently. He smiled at my reaction but I know he was nervous as well. After all, this was our first time.

He took off my panties and disregarded his boxers as well. He once again hovered me and said," this is going to hurt baby, but I'll try to be gentle."

He settled himself between my legs and I felt his tip at my entrance. He slowly pushed inside and I hissed lowly. I bit my lip from crying out but my eyes were filled with tears. It freaking hurts!

Kaiden kissed my tears and said soothing words to me. When I was adjusted to his size, he pounded into me and I felt immense pleasure. My nails kept digging into his shoulders but every time I dug in the previous one was healed, Thanks to his werewolf capabilities.

I could feel something tightening inside my abdomen. And with every thrust, it was building up. His dick stiffened inside me exploding with something warm and with that my own climax came. I shook under him as he crashed into my chest.

************Mature content ends

As our climax drained off, my heat subsides leaving me in a cool, sweaty haze of pleasure.

Without pulling apart, he moved us so he was lying down with me on top of him. My body was drained and I couldn't move if I wanted too. When our breaths finally calmed to a normal pace, I felt myself drifting off on his chest.


Hey guys,

Kaiden and Ana mated (finally😎 I know you guys were waiting for it 😉)

Will Ana be able to read the letter?
Find out what happens in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!

P.s: please like, comments and share.


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