chapter 26

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Kaiden pov:

"Alpha it's confirmed that some of the humans kidnapped by the rouges are mates of different pack members. We got word from our spies that Ana's friend Mia was also kidnapped by them." Xavier said.

"It seems that my suspicions were right as well. I have contacted all the Alphas and found out that they all had similar attacks in their area. Some of them have even confirmed that a mole was discovered helping the rouges. During the interrogation, they got to know that the rouges had their human mates captured and demanded information for their lives." I told them.

"But Alpha does that mean Amy too has a human mate that she is being threatened with?" Will enquired.

"I am not sure. She was always obsessed with the idea of being a Luna even after Ana came along. Ana doesn't show or complain but I have listened to some of their conversations. I tried to tell her on many occasions and even threatened to throw her out if she continued with her behaviour towards Ana. Then Why would she do all this if she already has a mate? It doesn't make sense." 

"Alpha, though her intentions seem suspicious, she hadn't done anything concrete to draw any attention. We think she knows that she is being followed. What should we do now?" Will said.

We were in my office overgoing through the possible situations when Kevin, Ana's bodyguard mind link me.

"Alpha, Luna is not well. We were strolling through the garden when she complained about a bad smell and then puked. We took her back to your room and she is resting now."

"Thank Kevin, I am sending Ari to check up on her. Stay alert and don't let anyone else enter or bother her till I am there."

"Yes Alpha"

"Guys, take a break. I am going to check on Ana." I said to them while leaving my office.

"Alpha, we have been attacked by a group of rouges. They are too many. Please send help near the northern border."

"Stay put. We are on your way."

I sighed and turned to Xavier and Will.

"We have attacked by rouges near the northern borders. Xavier, gather our warriors and assign them around to the borders, send some on perimeter check and others at pack house. Will, you gather all the pack members and tell them to stay inside the safe houses and packhouse until further notice. I am going to the borders; be quick."

I ran outside and shifted into my wolf then ran to the borders. Upon reaching the scene, I saw that my warriors on patrol were being outnumbered. I howled loudly and all the attention drifted to me. The rouges snarled menacingly and my warriors' face held relief and determination.

I sprang on the nearest rouge and grabbed his neck. I felt him wiggle underneath me but as soon as I applied pressure on his neck, he went limp. I left him there and went to my warrior who was struggling against four rouges. I have to admit that seeing my warriors in action has me swelling with pride but I still have a job to do. I can praise them later. Two was holding him down while the other two was ready to pounce on him from behind. I went behind and killed them in a heartbeat. Xavier along with other warriors soon arrived and joined in.

The sky turned from blue to purple and soon into the night. We were winning but I felt something off. The rouges should have to be more if it was a full blown attack. They were only a small group. Soon enough, there was only one rouge left. He was surrounded by us but instead of fear, I saw him smiling. Either he was crazy or it was an act.

"Why did you attack us rouge? Answer me" I commanded in my Alpha voice.

He quivered but didn't back down. He shot me a smile and said," Alpha Kaiden, nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you. But I am disappointed." He frowned as a child when they are confused.

"Why?" I said through gritted teeth.

"They said you were smart. But you seem like a fool to me right now." He smiled again.

I was beginning to think he was actually crazy. His mood swings were changing faster than a pregnant woman. But I guess I can coax him into telling me something.

"And why is that?"

"Hmm, you left your Luna alone. Without any protection." 

I stiffened. I immediately tried to mind link Ana's guards or my warriors or anyone in the pack house but couldn't reach any of them. It was total silence.

I sprinted back to the pack house, followed by Xavier and others behind me. I assigned eight guards with that rouge and commanded them to bring him to the cells.

As I neared the pack house, I saw all my warriors lying on the ground. I didn't wait to check on anyone and entered inside.


"Ana," I shouted into the silence of the house. Taking two steps at a time, I reached my room to find her guards knocked out on the floor. I searched for her through the entire house dodging through my pack members lying unconscious here and there, but she was nowhere to be found.

I walked back to our room and slumped against the bed gripping the sheets and inhaling her scent through it.

Xavier found me staring at the bed and made his way towards me.

"Kaiden, are you okay?"

"Do I look fucking okay to you? They have her Xavier, they have my Ana. And I was there when I should have been here protecting her."

"It's no one fault Kaiden. We'll get her back. We don't have time to dwell on what-ifs, it's time to take action."

He was right. We have to hurry. I don't want that filthy rouges touching my Ana or even breath near her. I have to get her back fast.

"Did anyone gain consciousness?"

"No Alpha, no one. But I have trackers working on Ana's scent and scouts on the perimeter."

I nodded and got up. Being an alpha and her mate, I'll have a higher chance of tracking her scent. I called on my wolf and sharpened my senses. Raising my nose up, I sniffed to find her intoxicating smell mixed with fear. There was another unknown smell which was very faint. It couldn't be detected if I didn't use my werewolf strength.

"There was someone here. I don't recognize the scent."

"He might be the rouge who took her," Xavier said.

Nodding I traced her scent to the hallway outside the kitchen. She was here for a few minutes, probably hiding from someone in the kitchen. Then her scent leads me towards the front door and out in the woods. She was running in zig-zag motion.

I smiled thinking about how she used her knowledge about us in this situation. She tried to throw the wolf following her off her trail. I was beaming with pride on her quick thinking.

I ended up in a small clearing and traced it to a tree root big enough to hide her. Hope swelled on me as I looked inside but was soon disappointed to find it empty. That same rouge's smell lingered in the air with some other unknown smells.

I traced their scent to the borders and saw tires marks just outside the perimeter. I punched the nearest tree in frustration breaking it in half. 

"Don't worry Ana, I am going to get you back and make those rouge pay for taking  you." I murmured while looking at the tire marks disappearing in the distance.


hey guys,

 So the rouge attack was a distraction to capture Ana.

How will Kaiden be able to locate her?

Will he save her in time or will he be too late?

Find out what happens in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!

P.s: please like, comment and share.

- Sonal.

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