chapter 9

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Ana pov:

The next few days went so quickly. I was still staying at Kaiden's house, enjoying my new friendships. Ari is now one of my best friend and kaiden- well let's just say we have something more than friendship. I feel complete whenever I am around him Like I have known him for so long.

They didn't ask anything else after my episode. Instead, they took care of me like a family member. Speaking of family, I spoke to my parents through Kaiden's mobile. They didn't know about my disappearance. They said that they received an SMS through my phone that I was taking a vacation with my friends and would not be able to contact them frequently. So I went ahead with that story as well. I didn't want them to worry them about me.

When I told others about this, they looked angry and said that this might be my kidnapper's doing. Apparantly If I am not missing and on vacation, then nobody will look for me. I tried calling Mia as well but her phone was switched off. I didn't have any other number so I asked Kaiden if he could look for her. She might have seen something or worse she might have been kidnapped as well.

I was walking with Ari around the pack house - yes that's the house name. Usually, I take a walk around the house or in the woods with someone besides me. It was kaidan orders that I should never be alone as there were wild animals around and I didn't understand these woods as well. It seemed reasonable also, as I don't want to be lost again.

I was admiring the woods tranquillity and cool breeze, by letting my eyes wander. It didn't matter how many times I look at these amazing sceneries, they always seem to captivate me. The settling sun was peeking over the trees spreading it's goodbye and making way for the moon and stars to light up the sky. It always seems to take my breath away. I didn't get to be this close to nature in my entire life and now I am savouring every moment of it.

I know I will have to eventually get back to my old life. I couldn't stay here forever. These people helped me being a stranger and became such good friends or maybe they were beginning to become my family?

"Hey, what are you thinking so hard about?"- Ari said startling me from my thoughts.

"Nothing, just thinking how beautiful these woods are."

"That my friend is correct. I could smell this-" she paused mid sentence and sniffed again.

Her eyes glazed for a moment and she took my hands taking me back to the pack house. I asked her what wrong and why were we going back. But She just replied that it was late and she has to do some work so we should head back.

Her behaviour changed from playful to serious in a minute. I didn't question it and followed her to the pack house. Once inside and with all doors and windows locked, she made me sit in the living area.

There were a few other ladies and children sitting as well. They were all looking nervous and scared. I looked around to find no men present in the house except for a few guarding outside. I turned back to Ari to see her setting her medical supplies.

I have a feeling something was wrong. It was clear skies a few moments ago and now a storm was brewing. Thick clouds quickly covered the sky and we were all surrounded by darkness followed up by thunder, lightning and heavy rain. The scene quickly transformed from being a safe haven to a horror movie scene. I was afraid for Xavier, Will and especially Kaiden. They were still outside in this weather.

Masking my fear for everyone outside, I took matters into my hands inside the house. I switched on the Led to a cartoon channel, which I know every child likes here and maybe some adult as well. While Pokémon took the attention of children, the women send grateful smiles my way. I smiled in return to them. It was like I knew what I have to do. Maybe I was feeling determined to help them as they once helped me. Maybe it was a sign from God that I should take care of them as they once took care of me.

I went into the kitchen to get water when I noticed a girl standing by the counter. She looked at me and huffed.

"Excuse me, Is there something wrong?" I asked her.

"No, but I know your type. Don't go around pretending to be innocent and concerned about us, when all of this," she gestured around and outside the house, " is happening because of you."

"But, I really don't know what you are talking about. I am sorry if I somehow offended you. I am just trying to help."

"Do you think we would need any help from a pathetic human like you?" She laughed in a mocking way.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I am not like others who will believe you. You should know that you are no match to Kaiden." With that, she went back to the living room.

Two hours after that, loud voices could be heard from outside. We were still waiting in the living room when few of the men carried Kaiden and Will to the medical wing. Both of them were severely injured while others had minor scratches. I helped Ari in whatever I could do. It felt uneasy to see Kaiden like this. I knew I have developed feelings for him but looking at him now lying unconscious, was breaking my heart.

I never questioned the way these people live here among this wilderness. I thought It was an emerging culture I read about online somewhere, where people leave the hectic city life to enjoy nature and to live peacefully. I was beginning to like the idea as well, Infact I was going to ask Kaiden if I could get a job around.

But now as I look around the living room, seeing all the injured men and the women in fear. I saw the other side of the coin. I have already seen the good part and now I was living through the bad part or maybe there is something even worse still out there.

After treating Kaiden wounds, Ari asked me to take care of him. I nodded and went to his bedroom where a few men placed him on the bed. I was sitting beside him and thinking about the questions I was going to ask him. What happened out there? How did they get injured? Do the animals in the woods turned rabid all of a sudden and attacked them? Or Do they have an enemy?

I may have dozed off at some point as I was woken up by loud voices coming from downstairs. Footsteps were heard coming from the stairs.

A minute later, a beautiful girl entered the room with tears in her eyes and looked at Kaiden lovingly. Her eyes focused on his stomach where the wound was and she gasped.

It was clear by her reaction that he was someone special to her. Few more footsteps were heard and then a man and a woman entered behind the girl with Xavier. The man had a stern look on his face but as soon he saw Kaiden, his eyes softened.

The woman that entered with him went and caressed Kaiden's face. She turned around and looked at me. Her eyes widened and she looked over at the man and the crying girl and then back at me. Then she said,"Hi, you must be Ana. I am Penelope knight, Kaiden's mother".


Hey guys,

So, Ana was considering to stay here but after experiencing this incident, she is not so sure. What do you think her decision would be?

Kaiden is injured (😭) and his family is back!!!

BTW, who is your favourite Pokémon? Please comment below.

Find out what happens in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!!

P.s: please Like, Comment and Share.

- Sonal

Luna Analia Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora