chapter 16

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Ana pov:

"Mark me"

Kaiden stood still staring at me like I have said something in ancient language. I learnt it from Ari that marking was very special to wolves. They feel ecstatic knowing that their mates are marked.

However seeing Kaiden right now, I wonder if whatever she told me was true or some kind of prank. I looked around the room searching for a camera or perhaps Ari hiding somewhere. If this was indeed a prank, then I am going to kill her.

Kaiden is still in shock looking at where I was previously standing. Damn this is so humiliating.

"A... Kaiden? "


"Kaiden, ahh... Can you hear me?" I said a little louder.



"Kaiden, snap out of it." Now I was getting irritated.

Both of them are definitely playing with me. Ok, but it takes two players to play this game Alpha, Bring it on!!!

An idea forms in my mind; I know just how to turn the tables on them. It is tried and tested so there was no chance I was going to fail.

I went to my closet and choose a sexy nightwear that Ari bought for me the other day. I quickly changed into it without making any sound. Peeking a look at the mirror, I was ready.

I approached him as silently as I would and trail my fingers up from his fingers to his arms moving towards his heart. This seems to get a reaction from him and he purrs in content.

Cupping his face, I bring it towards me and kiss his cheek. He shudders and his arms wrap around me.

"You don't seem to mark me so I think I would let another man Mark me instead. What do you think?" I whispered in his ears and quickly stepped out of his embrace.

That seemed to break his daze and his eyes to turn darker.


"You will not be marked by any other male, You Are Mine!!!"- he tried to hug me but I stepped back.

"Oh, so now, I am yours... What happened when I asked you to mark me? You stood frozen for 20 whole minutes!!!"

"I was shocked, that's it. I haven't expected you to ask me this while you were repulsed by the idea of it just yesterday."

"Is it a prank you and Ari are playing on me because 20 minutes is a whole lot of time to be shocked? Even I wasn't this shocked when I found out werewolves."

"What no, nobody is pranking no-one. And no other male is coming near you" he said in distaste.

Sighing I went to sit on the bed. He sat in front of me kneeling on the floor and took my hands in his.

"Ana, it would be my honour to mark you and trust me my wolf is more than happy to do so but I do not want to pressure you. I learnt that yesterday. Your reaction to marking was absolutely natural because you are still learning about me, about us. Whereas I have always lived between mates and learnt about it from childhood. So, I want to do it the human way. Go on dates; get to know each other, the likes and dislikes, just like a normal relationship."

I was speechless. The man in front of me is ready to wait for me despite his nature. He was keeping me above his needs.

"Kaiden, I would still like you to mark me"

"But Ana-"

"Listen Kaiden, I know you are thinking about me. But you are not alone in this relationship. If you are ready to wait for me then I am ready to take it at your pace too. I know how important it is for wolves to mark their mates and I don't want you or your wolf to wait. I am ready, really." I said looking into his eyes.

In seconds Kaiden sat next to me and pull me onto his lap. He kissed me slowly, showcasing all the emotions mainly his love for me.

"Are you really sure? It can't be undone."

"I am sure; mark me already, will you? Jeez anyone is listening, they would assume I am forcing you." That made him laugh. 

"I wonder why?"

This time I kissed him and he immediately reciprocated my actions. Pulling back I was panting but he continued kissing me on my cheeks, moving on to my jaw towards my neck.

His lips on my skin were creating sensations through my body and I was getting drunk on it. Pulling my hairs to the side, he nipped and licked over a spot on my neck. His one hand was on my waist and another on my back keeping me flush against him. He would tighten his embrace with every kiss and I could feel every inch of him too.

Extending his canines he gave a last look at me and pierced my skin. A blood-curdling scream tore out of my mouth, feeling the pain in my neck. I thrashed around but he held me still. Soon he retracted his teeth and licked my blood that was oozing out. Licking the wound close, it gives a pleasurable feeling to course throughout my body.

"I am sorry; you had to go through the pain." He said looking guilty.

"It does hurt like hell, but for you, I can go through any pain again and again. Are you happy?"

"I am more than happy but also guilty for causing you pain."

"Don't be," I said while yawning. I was feeling exhausted and would probably fall down if Kaiden wasn't holding me.

He laid me down on the bed and cradled me to him and said,"You should rest, I am right-"

Just then a knock sounded on the door halting him in between. He groaned and asked who was it?

"Kaiden, its Xavier. Open up it's important"

"Can't it wait for a few hours, I am busy"

"Kaiden please, it really important. There is a someone who wants to meet you urgently"

He huffed and said to me,"you rest and I'll go see whose pants are on fire that they cannot wait."

I was already half asleep when he got up and kissed my forehead. Opening the door, he glared at Xavier. But instead of his usual smirk today Xavier's lips were in a grim line.

I couldn't open my eyes anymore as the exhaustion was taking over.  The last thing I heard Kaiden ask Xavier was who is it, before falling asleep. 


Hey guys, 

So, do you like Kaiden's first reaction when Ana asked him to mark her?
(Lol 😂)

Do you like how their relationship is progressing? 

Find out who has come to meet Kaiden in the next chapter till then happy reading!

p.s.: please like, comment and share...


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