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Ana pov:

"Kaiden, it's me"

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"Relax Kaiden, I am fine. I escaped from there-"

"I know, I came here to find that you escaped. Don't worry about Gavin and other rouges, they are dead. Tell me where are you and I'll come as soon as I can," he said interrupting me.

"I am in small town name Caister hills. I am calling you from a diner here."

"Don't worry baby, I'll be there in under an hour. Stay there and eat something. Take care."

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Ashley and Mia gave me friendly smiles when I sat across them.

"What do we do now?" Mia whispered.

"We wait. He said he will be here under an hour."

"And after that?" Ashley asked.

"Come with me to my pack and we'll see from there."

"Hmmm, sounds like a plan."

We stayed silent for a few minutes going over what has happened in the last few months. How everything changed that one night. In the midst of my memories, I remembered

"Mia, at the night of event you asked me to call Travis Smith for help. Who was he and how did you know that something was wrong?"

Ashley peeked from me to Mia, intrigued. Mia on the other hand just sighed.

"Remember during the preparations, I used to disappear for few minutes," she said. I nodded acknowledging her to continue.

"I was meeting this guy. He is a werewolf, Ana. He told me that some bad people are after us. I thought he was a creep at first but soon I realized that he was right. We were being followed."

"Why didn't you tell me at that time?"

"What would I tell you? That a werewolf is warning me that we are being followed by other werewolves. I was terrified when I saw him transform into a wolf."

I cringed remembering the first time I saw someone changing into a wolf at the clearing.

"Yeah, it's gruesome."

"What about you Ashley, how did you get kidnapped?"

"Well, I was in a pub." She hesitated.

"And," I urged her

"And I was drunk," she murmured.

Mia and I looked at each other than to Ashley and burst out laughing. The situation wasn't that funny but it's like when you are with friends, logic doesn't matter. We kept teasing Ashley over breakfast that the kind diner lady has made for us.

True to the promise, I saw Kaiden coming out of the SUV. As soon as our eyes met, we ran towards each other. Kaiden scooped me up while I grabbed him like a koala bear.

We hold on to each other for a few minutes relishing on the tingles and warmth that spread throughout our body.

"Are you alright? How's your back? Is it still paining? How did you escape?" He said while looking for any signs of hurt on my body.

"Relax Kaiden, I am fine. I'll tell you everything, but I want to go home first. Please," I said feeling tired.

"Sure anything, whatever you need."

I turned around and motioned Mia and Ashley to come.

"Kaiden, this is Mia and Ashley. Girls, he is Alpha Kaiden, my mate," I introduced them to each other and asked," Kaiden, can they stay with us for a while?"

"Of course Ana they can come on let's get you all home."

We all thanked the diner lady for her kindness. Kaiden was so grateful that he promised to help her with anything she needs; be it financial or security or workers. But she refused and said that we remind her of her grandchildren.

We all hopped in the SUV with Kaiden and Mia on either side trapping me in the middle while Ashley called shotgun and Mason took the driver's wheel.

After a few minutes on the road, Kaiden pulled me on his lap and tighten his hold on me.

"I was so scared Ana. It broke me when I felt your pain. I should have been there. I should have been there to protect you. I'm sorry."

"No Kaiden, it's nobody's fault. And I am here now, safe in your arms. That's all that matters." I yawned feeling exhausted by the events. Now that I'm in his arms, my mind and body can finally relax.

"Sleep baby," Kaiden said and I felt myself relaxing to his rhythmic heartbeat.

I woke up and ran towards the bathroom and puked my guts out. Suddenly feeling a little dizzy, I sat on the floor after flushing the toilet.

Closing my eyes for a few minutes, I heard someone entering the room.

"Ana?" Kaiden asked with concern.

Instead of replying, I heaved and puked again. Kaiden must have heard me as he secured my hairs back with a hand and rubbed my back.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and got up with his help. He kept holding me by my waist as I brushed and mouth-washed. After that, he lifted me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed.

"Do you want something? Water? Food?"

"Relax Kaiden, I am fine. It must be my body reacting to the stress."

"Hmmm... Ari checked you earlier when you were sleeping. She said you were fine. But I can clearly see that you are not," he said while his eyes glazed over.

Within a few minutes, Ari entered followed by William, Ashley, Mia and Xavier. I noticed Xavier acting weird and looking longingly in the direction of Mia and Ashley.

"Ari, Ana is puking. Please check her."

While Ari was checking me, I was trying to figure out Xavier body language. Though his face was blank as soon as he looks in their direction, his eyes would lit up. And just like that, I understood- Xavier has found his mate and it's one of them. But the question was who? And why aren't they together yet?

I was about to ask when Ari squealed," Alpha, Luna you are having a baby."  

A chorus of whats echoed around while I and Kaiden looked into each other's eyes.

"I said Luna is pregnant."

Everyone starts cheering and congratulating us but we were both lost in our world.

A whirlwind of emotions goes through our eyes. Shock, awe, happiness, surprise, amazed, proud, excited, nervous and above all of them, Love.

Call me crazy but I was crying and smiling at the same time. Kaiden too shed a tear while grinning as he won a jackpot lottery.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Ana. Goddess I cannot believe this. You just made me that happiest man on earth. I love you, I love you both," he said embracing me and kissing my stomach.


Hey guys,

I am so grateful to all the readers who took their time to read my story and showed their love by voting and commenting.

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- Sonal.

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