chapter 21

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Ana pov:

The next day, I was waiting for Kaiden to go for the border patrols. It is the only time when I can search for that letter.
It was close to lunch, so everyone would be busy in the kitchen. But still; I have to be very quiet as these werewolves can hear a pin drop from afar.

I was in the living room pretending to watch the movie that was playing on the screen. But in reality I was waiting for everybody to clear the hallways so that I can go to the office undetected. Soon I heard Kaiden and few men enter the living room.

"Hey babe, we are going for border patrols and will be back in an hour and half," He said while kissing me and then leaving through the door.

I stayed in the room for a few minutes, then got up quietly and tip-toed my way to the stairs. There was no one around in the hallways and I finally made it to top floor.

I was walking down the hallway when I heard noises. It was coming from Kaiden's office. I stopped around the corner and looked at the open double doors. Amy's mother Kate and Penelope were in the office. And it looked like they were supervising the omegas to clean properly.

Damn it!!

I thought it would be very easy to get the letter but it looks like they are going to be cleaning for a while. What should I do now?

I must be standing there for a while before I heard someone say," Ana, why are you standing here alone? Do you need anything?"

I squeaked while turning to see Kate and Penelope standing there looking concerned.

"I - I," I cleared my throat," I was going to my room?"

It was not meant to be a question. Stupid! Stupid! Now they would suspect that something is wrong. Uggghhhh...

"I mean to say-" I started explaining, when they burst out laughing.

"Oh Penelope, remember you used to say the exact things with the same expressions." Kate said gigling.

"And you Kate, was far worse; you would always make excuses whenever you were caught around him or with his stuff." Penelope mused.

"Do you remember what Kaiden used to say when he was little?" Kate beamed at her.

"Oh yeah! Of course I remember. He would always say that the day I meet my mate will be the most important day of my life." Penelope said shaking her head.

"Those were the good days; anyways Ana, we have cleaned the office. You can go and wait for your mate. We won't let anyone disturb you." Kate said winking and walking past me with Penelope.

"Ahh, kids these days behave the same as we did in their age, right Kate?"

"Yeah, all this time and the excuses are still same. Ha-ha. They got it so bad." Penelope said while they descended down the stairs.

Okay, what was that about? Nevermind. Right now my priority was to get that letter. I entered the office and walked over to his desk. I had been here so many times that I knew where to look. Kaiden always place the important files in a hidden compartment in the cabinet.

I opened the cabinet and look for it only to realize that it has a code lock. I glanced at my watch to see that I have just half an hour left.

What should I do now? I don't know his password. What should the code be? He won't keep his or my birthday as his code. It will be too obvious.

I tried that date, when he became the Alpha but it was invalid. The next try was when he marked me, but it was invalid. I had a third and last chance left. If I am wrong again then it will activate the alarms and I don't want that.

 Then I remember Penelope telling before that the most important day for Kaiden is when he will meet his mate. But I don't know when he met me exactly. I was in coma for almost a week. And I met him when I woke up. Should it be that day or before that?

I checked my watch to see I have approximately 5 minutes left. They will be back soon. I didn't know when in my panic, I put in the date but it opened the compartment.

I didn't have much time to rejoice as I saw from the office window that Kaiden was coming back. I searched the area and finally found the letter. Closing the compartment, I made a beeline to my room and hid it in my lingerie drawer. Nobody will look there.

My heart was beating fast and my skin was coated in sweat. If Kaiden walked in now, he would know. I took a change of clothes and quickly entered the bathroom. I didn't know why, I was feeling sick all of a sudden. Maybe it was my guilt as I did something that Kaiden wouldn't approve.

I took a cold shower to calm myself. After feeling a lot better, I dried myself and changed into new clothes. Entering in the bedroom, I saw that I was late for lunch.

I entered the dining room to find everyone chatting among themselves. After a few waves and hello's, I made my way and sit beside Kaiden. He smiled at me before crashing his lips into mine hard. As soon as he cupped my face, he stiffened and pulled back. His eyebrows were furrowed and he searched my face. I kept my face as neutral as I can.

"Ana, you are burning up. Are you alright?" He said worriedly. At this all the talking around the dining room ceased to a pin drop silence.

"I felt uneasy before so I took a shower, I am better now."

"Ari, please check Ana after the lunch. I don't want her to be sick."

"Sure, Alpha," she replied.

After lunch, Kaiden immediately took me to the pack hospital. I protested that it was unnecessary but he wouldn't listen. They checked my temperature which was a little high. Then Ari did a bunch of tests and withdrew my blood.

Kaiden carried me back to the pack house despite my protest. I was perfectly fine. Okay, I was having a fever but Ari said not to worry about it. I was human and it was natural to them to have a fever. She has performed some test and the reports will be ready by tomorrow.

Her only words were to take rest which unfortunately Kaiden has heard. Now, he won't even let me walk back to the pack house.

When we reached our bedroom, Kaiden laid me down on the bed gently. He gave me the medicine and I took it with water.

"Rest now, I will be with you," he said while lying beside me. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


Hey guys,

Ana found the letter. What do you think is written inside it?
Moreover, how did Amy know so much about the letter and other situations in the pack?
Find out what happens in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!

PS: please like, comment and share.

- Sonal.

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