chapter 20

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Ana pov:

I was lying in bed with Kaiden after dinner and thinking about what had happened before. According to Kaiden, It was a nightmare but it felt so real, like It was actually happening and I was suffocating.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"I just,uh nothing."

"Come on, you can tell me anything."

"It's just, it felt so real. I was actually feeling it. Are you sure there was no smoke, when you came inside?"

Kaiden had a strange emotion in his eyes before he sighed.

"Okay, I am going to tell you something but promise me you won't freak or stress about it."

"What is it Kaiden, you are scaring me."

"The thing is, there was no smoke in the room but it was your imagination. I found you passed out on the floor and when Ari checked you; she found a drug in your system that creates hallucinations."

"What?? How is that possible? Did you find who gave it to me?"

"No, but I found out that the drug was given to you through the book you were reading before."

"OH MY GOD!!!!"  I covered my mouth in shock.

Kaiden immediately took me in his arms.

"It's okay. You are okay. But from now on, we have to be very careful. Promise me." He said while comforting me.

"But I don't understand, who would try to drug me? I don't have any enemies."

"Well for starters, you are a Luna - my mate that is enough reason. I have my fair share of enemies. They could do this to hurt me. Secondly, there are always some people who will be jealous of your position. And let's not forget the rouges also. All in all, it could be anyone. That's why from now on you will always be with me."

"But Kaiden, I can't always be with you. What about when you have meetings? Or if there is any emergency and you have to go?"

"You will always be with me whether it's work, meeting or anything else. And if a situation arises, then I will assign guards and either Xavier or Will or Ari will be with you at all times. But remember do not trust anyone other than me and yourself."

A few weeks went by in peace. Everything was normal again. Or as normal as one's life in pack house can get. I have met almost all the members and but considering this pack contains more than 400 werewolves, some of them were still left.

First two weeks, after that drug incident Kaiden didn't leave my side even for a second. I was with him wherever he went. Either it was his office or dining room or pack grounds. But I have to draw the line when he said to accompany each other in bathroom too. So, we settled for talking the entire time either him or I was in the bathroom.

So after two weeks, I got really frustrated with him and told him to give me some space. After a lot of arguing, he reluctantly agreed and said that I should be within 1 mile radius of the pack house.

Well I thought I couldn't get a better offer than this so I took it immediately. I was just sitting outside in the garden area basking in the sun when I saw that girl from before coming towards me. I learned that her name was Amy and she was the previous gamma's daughter. Her father died fighting during a rouge attack few years back thus leaving her and her mother alone.

I have met her mother several times. She is such a sweet lady that I couldn't understand how her daughter turned out to be so bitter. Whenever I was in the same room or pass by her, she would throw nasty comments at me. Her words cut deep but I never show it on my face. I just don't want her to have any satisfaction. At first I thought she was bitter because she lost her father but soon I realized that she is rude just to me and no one else.

"Looks like Kaiden is finally bored of you. I knew it was bound to happen. You were his new toy afterall."

"What is your problem? Whatever is between us is none of your business. So keep your comments to yourself."

"Ohhhh my my, the human actually have a voice. But I guess it's too late now. Kaiden knows what a burden you are to him and the pack. The threats, the rouges and the attacks? And then he has to babysit you too. It must be too much for him."

"Kaiden doesn't babysit me. He loves me and is merely concerned because I was attacked."

"Try to fool yourself as much as you want human, but the threats were made against you. Clearly you don't know about the letter."

Letter but there was only one letter that came a few weeks ago and it was blank; I saw it myself. Are there other letters that came after that? If so then why didn't Kaiden said anything about that. I was with him all the time, and I couldn't remember if there was another letter or a talk of it.

"That letter was blank." It was a blind shot but I took it.

"Obviously, the person who sent it likes to play games human. There is a special way to read it. Maybe you should have finished your novel after all."

What the hell is she talking about? Special way to read as in what? And what does she mean by my novel. It was an adventure novel regarding treasure hunt. Nothing specific other than finding clues- oh god!!!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realised when Amy had left. Why was she telling me this? I highly doubt she was helping me. And more importantly how did she know all of it? Is she the one behind my attacks and threat? Maybe that's why she told me about the letter; to make me leave but for some reason I am not fully sure about that either.

I made my way inside after thinking what to do. I know for a fact if Kaiden knew, he wouldn't tell me about it. For the past weeks I was with him; He always brushed my concerns saying that he would handle it and I do not need to worry. I used to get so angry at him for being so possessive and demanding.

I have to see it myself what is written on that letter. Hopefully Kaiden still has it somewhere in his office. I hope I can decode it before it's too late.


Hey guys,

Kaiden is being possessive but who wouldn't when their true love aka soulmate is attacked.
Ana wants to learn the threats made against her. Will she be able to read the blank paper?
Find out what happens next in the next chapter till then happy reading!!!

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- Sonal

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