chapter 5

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OMG #105 in werewolf

Thank you! Thank you!

Kaiden pov:

I started feeling restless while coming back to my pack after the All Alphas Association meeting. I shrugged it off as being tired. It was a long journey and meetings with other Alphas were usually very stressful. Mostly if the Alpha is unmated like me.

I am 25 years old and have yet to meet my mate. Goddess knows it's been long overdue as wolves can find their mate after the age of 18.

As soon as the car stopped I stepped down and smelled the most amazing fragrance. It was faint but I can tell it's a mixture of vanilla and fresh rain. It was so alluring that I was getting pulled towards its source. I didn't know how but when I regained my senses, I found myself infront of a room at the pack hospital.

Upon entering, I saw a beautiful girl. She was lying on the bed with her hair laid perfectly on both sides of her face. She looked like an angel. But when I saw her wounds, the constant beeping machines she was hooked to, my wolf took control and started chanting "Mine" "mate".

I was infront of her in seconds and hesitantly touched her hand. I couldn't explain the feeling of her skin against mine. It was so soft and creamy. The warmth and tingles that shot through my hand and consumed us was as if we were the only two in the world.

I asked Xavier to explain how did my mate end up being in this state. Who was responsible for her wounds? And when he requested to talk in private, I growled. I cannot leave her side when I just found her. I want to be here when she wakes up. Hearing my growl, Arianna came in and promised that I would be the first to know when she wakes up.

I didn't want to leave her. She looked so pale with those wounds. It must have been so painful. But I need to know what happened to punish those who did this to her.

Once we were in my office, Xavier told me the whole scenario of how he found her. Images of what have happened entered my mind, and let's just say when I get my hands on those who dared to harm my angel, they won't be killed. No, death would be too easy for them. I will torture them until they would beg me to grant their death.

I asked him for any other information we have gathered out of him. I didn't get how was she in the middle of woods. Who would have brought her there? Xavier said she was wearing a party dress. Surely she wouldn't wander out in woods that too wearing a party dress.

But what surprised me more was that there wasn't a missing report regarding her? Where are her family or friends? Undoubtedly there would be someone who might know her.

After leaving my office, I went straight to shower. I want to look my best whenever she opens her eyes. God, I am dying to know about her eye colour, About her likes and dislikes, basically anything or everything.

After finishing my shower, I towel dried myself and wore a black v neck t-shirt with blue jeans.

Arianna was in the room with her as she promised me before. "Hey, how is she? Any idea when will she wake up?"-I asked her.

"She is healing well Alpha, but I can't give you a specific time. Her brain has shut down either to heal or because of trauma. We can only wait for her."

"Thank you, Ari, for taking care of her."

"Our Luna is a fighter Alpha, she will wake up soon" - she said while leaving the room.

"I hope so too."

With that, I kissed her forehead and sat down beside her. Maybe talking to her would help in healing. "Hey angel, I don't know your name so I am gonna call you by this. Hope you don't mind. My name is Kaiden. My pac- people found you in the woods. Don't worry, you are safe here. Nobody will be able to harm you now."

I tried to gauge any change in her, but luck was not on my side. I could stare at her all day and would never get tired of it. So I admired her face, listened to her heartbeat and surrounded myself by her heavenly smell.


I woke up to her whimpers. She was tossing and turning like someone was strangling her. Her eyes opened suddenly and she screamed. I went toward her but she quickly shifted to the other side of the bed. Pulling up her knees to her chest and hiding her head in between, she kept repeating to not hurt her.

I couldn't blame her to think like that considering what she went through. Ari did say that this will be her reaction. Anyone in her shoes would be in doubt to trust a stranger. Not that I would ever harm her, but she doesn't know that yet and would need time to cope with her fears.

"Nobody's gonna hurt you, I promise. Look around, you are in a hospital. My friends found you in the woods, heavily injured so they brought you here for treatment. Do you remember anything?" I coaxed.

She looked around a little relaxed but still on edge as if someone or something is gonna pop up right now, then at me, and nodded slowly. It hurts me to see her this broken, so by instinct I put my arms around her. She stiffened at first but then relaxed after a few minutes, filling the room with her soft snores.

After that Arianna examined her and told me that she is fine, she just needs to rest. So I ordered to shift her to my bedroom. I'll just transfer to the next room until she is comfortable. It would be enough knowing that she is safe next to me.

But as soon as she recovers fully, I will ask her about the incident. How much does she remembers from that night? Where was she? Does she have any friends or family, she needs to contact? Did she saw or know her kidnappers? Does she know about werewolves as well and how much exactly?

And the most important question, what is her name???


Hey guys,

So, we saw Kaiden being possessive and caring in this chapter. (Major Awwww 😍)
And Ana is awake!!! (Finally 😉)
Kaiden has a lot of questions. Will he be able to get any answers from Ana? Find out in the next chapter.

P.s: please Like, Comment and Share.

- Sonal

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