Never Again Bully

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Many roles I played in life,
But this one was my least favorite,
For whenever I look back,
All I receive is regret,
Which reminds me to never
Be that person again,
And to always be better
Than I was during those dark days.

I was this bully
For no better reason
Than to feel empowered;
People told me
What I did was worthless,
But I didn't listen
Because I thought it was best
To continue deriving happiness
At the expense of others.

I only started to listen
To their advice when
It was too late,
For everyone that tried
To set me on the right path left me,
So I had to get my act
Together all on my own.

I became withdrawn,
Socially withdrawn to be precise
Because I thought no one
Would accept me after everything I did;
Even if anyone accepted me,
Who's to say that I deserved it
After everything I have done?

It was hard owning up
To everything I did,
And the only way
I was able to lighten
My guilt was to change my ways,
And swear to myself
That I'll never be that person again.

If you're wondering where I'm at now,
Know that fate was generous to me
When it presented me with new friends,
Especially this one person
Who made it her mission
To bring me back to the light
Despite all the moments
I tried to push her away,
And for that,
I am forever in her debt.

For all of you still bullying,
Take it from someone who stopped
Before he kept digging a bigger hole;
You may think you're giving yourself power,
But all you're doing
Is giving yourself the illusion of it,
So stop and think
Before you lay a finger
On your next victim.

Natural Cravingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें