Missed Opportunities

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I never thought about it,
At least not at the moment
It was happening.

I was presented with countless opportunities,
Each staring right at my face,
But out of some twisted miracle,
They eluded my grasp.

Now that I look back,
The feelings hit me hard,
Far harder than it did
Back in the day.

I wasn't thinking clearly;
I desired friendship,
But I also desired
To become a great writer.

I lost sight of my friendships
When I could've formed
A great support group with them.

I thought I'd become better alone,
So I avoided as much help as possible
Because of my pesky pride,
And I suffered from it.

My friends would've gladly helped me;
They showed it whenever I vented
My anger and frustration at them
During the days I doubted my writing skills.

I was such a hypocrite;
I vented my frustrations,
Yet I rejected their help
When we could've bonded over
Becoming better writers.

Now that I look back,
All I feel is regret,
But there's no point in dwelling,
For I must move forward,
And swear I'll never make the same mistake.

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