Empty Schedule

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Dear Time,

You give me a lot of you. More than most people actually. You'd think I'd optimize you with this much freedom.

I waste you so much that by the time I go to bed, there's your voice piercing through my skull. You tell me how foolish I am for not spending you wisely.

You tell me to chase my greatest passions. You tell me to broaden my skills in writing from poetry to other forms like letters, music, books, and essays. You tell me to enroll in multiple clubs, especially ones beyond my comfort zone. You tell me to explore new interests until I find one both worthy of a career and fulfilling to my happiness.

I don't need your voice telling me what to do everyday. I'm already happy with what I do, but when you tell me to do so much more, that's when my happiness vanishes. You even trick me into thinking something's wrong with me.

I am done listening to you. I shall live my life the way I want to. If I want to restrict myself to poetry, that's how it will be. If I want to be lazy, that's how it will be. If I want an empty schedule, that's how it will be. If I want to fulfill my daily obligations, only to drown myself in bed afterwards, that's how it will be. From here on out, I am doing things my way.

Your Unsatisfied Patient

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