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People always saw my sensitivity
As a problem to be fixed
Because they believed that mentality
Was problematic in surviving society's perils.

Even a little thing,
Even something as insignificant
As being yelled at
Was enough to make me cry.

It struck me deepest
After being told countless times
That a real man never sheds a tear,
That I was a freak for being me.

My change started
With holding back my tears,
Those dark feelings
That threatened to burst.

Next was resisting the urge to blink,
For doing so would cause
Tears to escape my eyes,
Resuming people's dreadful reaction.

The final step
Was steering
My thoughts away
From the trigger.

I mastered myself,
Conquered this urge to cry,
And finally became the man
I was meant to be.

Cold and ruthless,
Untethered from unmanly emotions,
And freed from being labeled
A good for nothing cry baby.

It was my greatest accomplishment;
I finally complied to society's standards,
And whenever my sensitivity resurfaces,
I push it away without a second thought.

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