My Life's Journey

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It's a poem I worked on for English class during my high school's senior year. It's based on Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha. As you may have noticed, I took creative liberties with this piece.

If I become king,
I'll still be a follower for placing
My foot on the same marble
My forefathers walked.

I must set myself apart,
Rid myself from tradition;
My father laughs at me,
But I didn't become a statue
For an entire night for nothing.

Out before he knows,
My great friend Govinda tags along
On this quest that shall reveal
The truth about ourselves.

Out in the woods,
Reduced to wild animals,
We shall climb
The ladder to Nirvana.

You say Nirvana
Was already within reach,
But escaping Dukkha is not the way;
Only by becoming a Semana
Can man's greatest dream be realized.

Two friends on the same path,
Destined to diverge
Once we find Buddha,
The only Semana who achieved Nirvana.

I realize during the first day
Under the Buddha's service
That I am doomed
To become a follower.

By declining Buddha's teachings,
I leave Govinda,
And annihilate
Every trace of my past.

As my thirst for Nirvana persists,
It leads me to a city.
The first to attract my eyes is Kamala,
Causing a foreign feeling to erupt.

The first blow to the steadfast Semana,
A danger this could pose;
I must close myself from the thing
Every stupid sansara idealizes.

I end up giving in;
Despite Kamala's awful statements,
My feelings for her grows
As she pollutes my mind.

Time passes,
I become acquainted with normality,
Sucked into their childish activities,
And the Semana in me dies.

When I least expect,
A cryptic image enters my mind:
A lifeless bird in a cage,
A symbol of what I became.

I became the worst of the samsara,
A greedy dirtbag lacking humility,
Forgetting about Nirvana;
Now an old man,
My time's limited to resume my goal.

Back in the forest I go,
I stumble upon this river
Whose voice pierces my skull,
Where I notice loads of images.

It starts with my pursuit for Nirvana,
Only for these images
To gradually shift to everyone,
Including faces I don't recognize.

It is this moment I realize
We are connected
Through an interlocking web,
That nobody's truly isolated.

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