Simple Choices

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I'm presented with two choices,
Only two choices;
It sounds simple on paper,
But sweat crawls out of my skin.

Of all choices,
It has to be two girls.
What one lacks in,
The other has.

It's this one girl,
Nobody knows her,
Not one gives her a chance,
But she has this passion,
A burning passion
That could touch everyone's hearts,
And if anyone were to take her,
She would give them
A new perspective of the world.

It's this other girl,
Everyone knows her,
Everyone loves her,
They compete for her attention,
Even beg for an autograph,
But under it all,
She's just like everyone else,
Nothing special,
A popular who sells herself well,
And a copy cat
Without true passion.

A unique girl that lacks fame,
A copy cat that has fame,
The former doomed to fall hard,
The latter destined for success,
And all I can say is shame on society
For giving me a difficult decision.

Why can't a girl have both?
Both positive traits,
Both fame and uniqueness
Instead of one or the other
Accompanied with a negative trait.

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