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Dear Life,

I can't do things because I'm told to or do things for no better reason than to pass time.

Whether I have a latent passion waiting to erupt, I don't know. I've grown used to faking my way through success. I would like to see where my greatest passion lies, and hopefully turn it into a career, but I don't have time for that.

I guess I don't have a choice, but to continue using the same approach that brought me so far. I shall continue doing things against my will so long as I get rewarded, and during my free time, do stupid things simply to pass time.

It's a cycle actually. I've always said that I couldn't do this anymore, that I seek to break this cycle, and promised that I will, but here I am stuck in this loop. To say, "I can't do this anymore" would be empty whines that amount to nothing.

What was the point of writing this letter to you anyway?

Your Slave

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