Wrong Crowd

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For each passing day,
I find myself making a mistake
That gets repeated
Because I never learn my lesson.

I surround myself with people,
People I shouldn't be around
Because they won't make me better.

It's either the wrong crowd
That follows me or I follow it,
But whatever it is,
The consequences are the same
Because I suffer from this.

They may band together like a tribe
Whose bonds can stand
The test of time,
But they're a bunch of nobodies.

It's not like they'll succeed in life,
And the fact I surround
Myself with those people
Means I am a loser.

It's a status I must change;
I know I should leave them,
But I've grown so attached
That I can't imagine happiness without them.

It's going to take time,
So much time to build
The courage to cut them off
For a better group,
One deserving of my friendship.

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