Fighting Back

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It was a mantra I was forced
To recite during childhood,
An insurance that I conformed
To society's standards.

My sensitivity,
My greatest weakness,
Something to be ashamed of,
A thing I must purge from my soul.

That's what I was told,
I believed every word,
I complied to society's wishes,
But now, things have changed.

"Real men never cry,"
They said, but now,
I question if I should
Conform to society's standards.

Society hates the real me,
And there was a time
I felt the same way until
A special someone entered my life.

She gave me a reason to feel,
A reason to embrace
The side society suppressed:
The very part that defined me.

Here comes society again
Telling me to crush it,
But now, I look society in the eyes,
And tell it I refuse.

Society will always
Unleash its chains
To drag me down,
But now, I have a reason to resist.

It's all thanks to this girl;
I thank her for giving me a reason,
A reason to bite back,
And fight for my identity.

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