Writer's Purpose

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You write out of passion,
Which is more than you can say
About most people,
Most people who write
To achieve attention.

What's the difference,
The difference in reaction,
You may ask?
Stay tuned and find out.

The purpose of your action
Determines the reaction;
Both of you do the same thing,
And yet one of you gets shamed
While the other gets the opposite.

You wake up,
Excited to pick up the pen,
And rub it against the journal,
Scribbling away awkward phrases
To replace with better ones
Up until it becomes as great as possible
Because you did your best.

The other people wake up,
Excited to pick up the pen,
And rub it against the journal,
Rushing through their work
With the sole purpose of achieving recognition,
And will only do revisions
If their fans demand it.

The attention seekers gets praised,
An ego boost because they're begged
To compose more works
While your passion's left
Unnoticed by everyone around you,
And you start to question
Why you're writing in the first place.

We need to tear down this establishment,
Tear down the notion
That talent is equated with popularity,
And replace it with a better notion:
Talent being equated with passion.

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