True Self

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Dear Spilled Ink,

You taught me the most important skill of all. It is one that's never stressed by society because they seek to control you. Beat you into submission! You freed me from society's chains.

I wrote poems on multiple topics, each of which hold relevance to me. These topics included romance, emotional states, nature, food, friendship, basically anything I could get my hands on. I wrote about how I felt at the moment for people's pleasure.

It felt like I was walking on a journey that ended with my true self in the finish line. Each time I wrote was another step closer. Now, I feel a stronger connection to myself. It's like my soul has tighten its grip on my body.

Writing all these poems was helpful. Thanks to you, I am feeling so much emotion. Rather than push it away like I always have, I embrace them, for they are key traits of who I am. I thank you for coming into my life as an outlet.


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