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Hold your mic,
For that's all you will need
In your upcoming show.

People may like you
Or dislike you,
But all that matters
Is that you plant a seed
That will grow
Into a beautiful tree one day.

Hold your mic,
For that's all you will need
In your upcoming show.

Don't expect to become a star
In that one performance,
And most of all,
Don't mistake your lack of popularity
For a horrible piece
Because that piece was phenomenal.

Hold your mic,
For that's all you will need
In your upcoming show.

You will become a big name someday
So long as you keep trying,
For fame is a hit or miss kind of thing,
And if I were to be real honest,
It's easier to carve a song
Deserving of the highest of praise.

Hold your mic,
For that's all you will need
In your upcoming show.

When you do reach the top,
Never forget the people
Who helped bring you there,
For they were your greatest supporters,
Far more valuable than the money.

Hold your mic,
For that's all you will need
In your upcoming show.

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