Loving Correctly

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Where do you find love?
It is everywhere,
Coming in all shapes and sizes,
But there's only a few
Worth cherishing for life.

You meet many people
Who seem to be the perfect match,
But they turn out to be disappointments,
Leaving you with
An unbearable longing for love?

This thirst for love grows,
And you try again,
Chasing partner after partner,
Only for this heart of yours
To continue cracking
With barely enough time to recover.

How do you control yourself
Before love consumes you whole,
Before love tears you apart,
Leaving you to believe
Life isn't worth living?

You must learn to love properly;
It is a difficult task,
For your emotions
May continue to get the best of you,
But you must realize there's a reason why
Your brain is higher than your heart.

When your heart forces you
To do the very things
That could tear you apart,
Your brain is always
There to keep you in check,
So you must listen to it,
Otherwise you will never learn
How to love correctly.

It's pretty ironic, isn't it?
Love originates from your heart,
And you'd think it knows
What to do when control is lost,
Only for your brain to prove you
Wrong when it jumps in
With an attempt to solve the problem.

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