Unstable Waves

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While the boy sat at a tree,
He saw the hungry waves
Devouring a drowning girl.

The sight caused
His heart to start pumping,
Reflecting his feelings
About the situation.

An excess of emotion,
Compassion in particular,
Drove the boy to do the unthinkable.

Away from the tree,
He dove into the sand,
And dashed quickly until
He took one last dive to the waves.

The waves,
Still hungry,
Continued to move quickly,
But the boy was strong,
Strong enough to fight the force.

When the girl gave up,
Gave into the predatory waves,
She was to be swallowed whole,
Only for fortune to push her out of the way.

It was the boy;
He bravely stood in front of the waves
That were to come crashing forth.

For a brief moment,
The boy's eyes met the girl's;
Before either could utter a word,
The waves began to devour its new target.

The girl screamed at the sight;
She owed the boy her life,
So she swam to his direction,
But it was already too late.

The waves had their meal;
The waves leveled down;
The only remains
Were the shallow sea
And the girl.

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