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The sibling to poetry,
An identical twin
With few yet major
Differences from each other.

The sibling to poetry,
The one whose
Syllables are stressed
To go along with a beat.

The sibling to poetry,
Sharing every literary device,
Even applied the same way,
But at times differently.

The sibling to poetry,
Usually spoken with a beat,
Sounds better with a beat,
But still good without.

The sibling to poetry,
Impossible to describe the differences,
But easily felt when one
Uses their ears.

The sibling to poetry,
Sharing the purpose
Of reaching every person
By expressing their feelings.

The sibling to poetry,
An identical twin,
Never to be confused
With each other.

The sibling to poetry,
A name of its own it has,
That is the title
Of this piece: music.

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