Chapter 1- That fateful day

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I was playing the piano when the titans broke the wall in Shiganshina. I had always loved playing the piano, and I was pretty damn good at it. The sound of the wall breaking was loud and scary, but for some reason I ignored it and continued playing. I must have been in a daze when it all happened because I remember my mother calling out to me, "(y/n), snap out of it! Move your ass and let's get the hell out of here!"

That's when I realized what was going on; my mother was panicking, gathering a few things so that we could run. I looked outside and saw others panicking and mindlessly running in circles. I saw the colossal titan peering over the wall and titans rushing through the hole it had punctured, which was a horrifying sight. "What the fuck is that thing?!" I cried out at the sight.

People were being crushed by debris and picked up by titans to be eaten. I just watched. Soon enough, my mom grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door with her. I was oddly calm as we ran, and I didn't understand how I could be so calm while Titans were rushing in and eating other humans in front of me, crushing houses along the way. I must have been in shock. I also felt an insane adrenaline rush.

"There's the boat! Hurry, we have to get on," my mother yelled. I was running as fast as I could. People were dying all around me. It was terrifying. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. I could not fathom that it was all really happening. There was just no way that the titans could have gotten through. Was I dreaming? Was it just a nightmare that I would soon awake from? And why did it have to happen that day? We grew nearer to the boat and before we made it there, something terrible happened.

A titan had come from around the corner of a house. It started reaching it's hand for me. I froze, but I was shoved aside abruptly by my mother. I fell to the ground away from the titan, and then I turned around to see the most horrific sight of my entire life. The titan had grabbed my mother and starting bringing her closer to its hideous mouth. My mother had saved me from being devoured, but now she was doing to die.

"Mom!! No!" I screamed. "Let her go, you piece of shit!!"

"Run (y/n)! Just go, and don't look back! I love you" she yelled back as she neared her end. I didn't know what to do. There wasn't anything I could do. I wanted to help her but I couldn't. Tears streamed down my face as I searched around frantically for help, but there was no one else around. I tried to look for something to fight with, but what could I possibly do from the ground? As I looked around, I saw more titans were coming in our direction. So much was going through my mind in those few seconds.

I thought about staying and letting one get me as well, but I knew my mother wouldn't want that for me. She wanted me to live. I was screaming the whole time with tears running down my face, watching my mother as she got closer and closer to being crushed by the titan's mouth.

"I love you!" I yelled, right before I turned away from the sight I could not bear to watch. I started running away as fast as I could, and I didn't look back until I knew it was over. The titan's hands were empty and my mother was gone. That was it. There was nothing I could do. We humans were completely helpless. The Titan was soon on to it's next victim. I ran until I made it to the boat with nothing but the clothes on my back. Thankfully, I was let on and I sat down in the first spot I could find. I felt sorry for the many other people who couldn't get on. The boat was overcrowded with people, yet I had never felt so alone. I saw three kids who were probably younger than I was, they looked like they had been through a lot. One was angry and saying he would kill every last Titan, while the other two were quiet.  I felt the same way as that kid. I sat on that boat crying while thinking about how I wanted every last one of those wretched titans gone.

It was on that fateful day that I decided I would become a scout and join the survey corps, just like my father, Erwin Smith. I wasn't going to be useless like those garrison men who couldn't save anyone. No, I was going to be strong like my father. I wanted to master the art of killing titans. It was the only plan I had. I was determined to find my father and tell him I was his daughter.

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